Discussion: Geraldo Rivera Doubles Down: Wear A 'We're The Problem' Shirt, LeBron

Discussion for article #231129

Pandering racist asshole strikes again. He must have concluded he needs a brand re-boot.


I guess he was jealous of all the outrage that Hannity and Bill-O get and doesn’t want to be left out of who said the most clueless, racist crap this week contest.


“The families in crisis are in crisis not because of the interface between cops and young black men but because of family dysfunction, fathers being irresponsible,” Rivera said. “That is a much more difficult, complex situation than wanting to advocate against police violence toward, you know, toward young black men.”

Ironically enough, in most of the cases of the recent killing of black men by police, almost all had or were very active fathers. I’m hard-pressed to think of one case where the victim’s dad wasn’t involved or wasn’t an involved father. And if dysfunction were the root cause, then there’d be a whole helluva lot more white people dying at the hands of police.


“We’re the victims. Yet again, we’re the victims. Let’s fix this problem,” Rivera said. “But what about the much more difficult problem of ‘We’re The Problem.’”

Words that would be well heeded by those who speak them.


Rivera his zero credibility. This is just another ratings grab much like when he had that God awful show that paraded dysfunction.

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RE: “Rivera criticized those who focused on police violence and challenged them to avoid the ‘low-hanging fruit’”

Cops have been choking people to death for decades.

If police violence is an easy problem to solve, then why hasn’t it been solved?


Exactly right. And police violence is low hanging fruit in my opinion. Police officers need to be trained to talk first. They need to be punished when they use unnecessary force. These are things which should be well within our control.


More wisdom from the guy who brought us “Capone’s Vault”.

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can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to be a descendant of this clown, what with all his inadequacies as a human being on full display and accessible from archivable records? 100 years from now his great grand children will shun the name. When history teaches, in the not-too distant future, of the racist elements of US politics as it was exposed at the turn of the century, where do you think they are going to source almost all their material? faux news!

it’s just too bad we can’t history-shame these media whores (can we call that slut-shaming too?) today into acting like human beings. i know dogs with more humanity than the entire cast of faux combined! (but then again, most dogs make better people than most people).


Fuck Geraldo.

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No, thanks.

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It occurred to me the other day that just like there are firemen that like the thrill of a fire so much they sometimes start them, that there are policemen that like shooting folks and do so at the least provocation.

And I also believe a lot of raciest white guys that go into law enforcement to have power over and keep black folks down.

It’d be interesting to see the numbers/percentages of cops shooting people broken down to race/sex of cop and victim.

Jerry you mean a problem like this ?


We’d like to invite you for a leisurely stroll, after dark, on the South Side of Chicago!

“We’re the Problem”? The folks at Fox should wear that one.


Too bad Geraldo can’t be deported.

Con Slogan: We’re HYPOCRITE THUGS who devalue human life for supremacy’s sake of a few!!
However they frame it, they’re arguing for EXCESSIVE force & murder of fellow humans, no getting away from it.
As Jesus said: “He who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Who among us is 100% squeaky clean in this world? HYPOCRITE THUG/SUPREMACIST GOTP!

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Geraldo needs to wear a “I have fully embraced racism” shirt.

I guess he was a problem when he was a member of the Young Lords.