Discussion: Geraldo Clashes With Fox Hosts On Bibi: He 'Insulted' Our Constitution (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #234534

Oh, Geraldo…if you were going to worry about people insulting our Constitution you wouldn’t work at FOX News. They do that every day.


Try as I might, I really can’t dislike Geraldo the way I do a lot of the other Fox commentators. He comes across as a fundamentally decent idiot whose only real talent is sensationalism.


BiBI has put a you are against me or with me,with this election and his words.

“Senior Israeli officials who asked to remain anonymous said Boehner will
begin his visit, which has not yet been announced publicly, on March
31, heading a delegation of Republican Congress members.”


Wow…that blind squirrel on Geraldo’s lip found a nut.


What does a roomful of people in which Geraldo Rivera is a towering intellect look like? Well, know we know.

But this . . .

“And then for Bibi Netanyahu to run the campaign in a way that I believe was, to its core – made a racist appeal to Israeli hard-right voters to come out because these droves of these Palestinians are going to vote,” Geraldo continued, referencing Netanyahu’s election day comments warning that “Arab voters are heading to the polling stations in droves.”

Co-host Steve Doocy jumped in to ask, "We’re judging prime ministers by how they run campaigns?”

Douchy saw a thing that Geraldo didn’t: if the media starts holding politicians accountable for running racist campaigns appealing to the fears of a paranoid, shrinking majority that Those People are voting in droves and will take their stuff away, Fox will have big problem. Given how the GOP ran its 2010, 2012, 2014 campaigns and that it will be using Bibi’s campaign as a model in 2016, that idea is a dangerous place to go if you’re Fox News. Fox wouldn’t, but if others do, it’s going to be a far more conspicuous divergence between the worlds of real(ish) news and right wing propaganda outlets than Fox can comfortably deal with.


I guess Geraldo doesn’t realize that Fox News is a lot like Bibi Netanyahu in that they both feed on anti-Arab bigotry. I’m sure the Fox & Friends viewers watching were shouting insults at Geraldo for being a terrorist sympathizer.


Fox cannot handle the truth of Rivera’s position even though the whole kerfuffle on this show is probably manufactured. Rivera is known for sensationalism and stirring the pot merely for “stirring purposes.” Fox is a fraud. Rivera is a fraud, his truthful comments aside.


I think a group of 47 concerned citizens should send an Open Letter to the Leaders of the State of Israel and to the Israeli people, warning them that under our Constitutional system these people have no actual role in the conduct of the United States’ foreign policy, that this is actually is a cheap publicity stunt photo opportunity that can be undone by the stroke of a pen, that the political party to which they all belong in Missouri just caused the suicide of a potential political candidate by conducting a whispering campaign that he was Jewish, and to hide any Vodka or Gin they may have lying around unsecured from John Boehner .


How about the EU ?

“A hard-hitting EU report on Jerusalem warns that the city has reached
a dangerous boiling point of “polarisation and violence” not seen since
the end of the second intifada in 2005.
Calling for tougher European sanctions against Israel
over its continued settlement construction in the city – which it
blames for exacerbating recent conflict – the leaked document paints a
devastating picture of a city more divided than at any time since 1967,
when Israeli forces occupied the east of the city.
The report has emerged amid strong indications that the Obama
administration is also rethinking its approach to Israel and the Middle
East peace process following the re-election of Binyamin Netanyahu as Israel’s prime minister.”


I’m sure this was just a momentary lapse into sanity.

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This goes with Josh’s piece on Israel and the slow burn where Netanyahu’s actions in recent months are damaging Israel and its relationship with the United States:


Remember that Daily Caller blogger who quit earlier in the week? Mediaite’s coverage included a list of top stories from the Kelly Files that Mickey Kaus compiled from January 2015 to February tenth. Most all Megyn’s stories led with ISIS or Muslim terror. Link:

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Indeed, the 47% would have been much better advised to send Netanyahu a letter reminding him that whatever one President does, the next (or even the same) President can undo “with the stroke of a pen”. Netanyahu seems to think that the US’s unconditional support of Israel is set in stone and that the US always has to do whatever Israel says. The 47% could actually do a great service for their country by disabusing Netanyahu of this notion.


One sunday morning I challenged myself to a “how many minutes (seconds) can I stand watching fox” - the commercial break ended and the segment that came on was called “Should I Worry?”

“And here we take emails from our viewers asking, should I worry. ‘People in my office tend to wear a lot of cologne and perfume. Should I worry?’”

The host then turned to their panel of quack experts and doctors. One of them responds

“Medium Worry”

At that point I turned it off. Every single fucking second of airtime on Fox is spend ginning up fear and paranoia, even for the most innocuous stuff. That fat pig roger ailes is rumored to have a constant security detail, it makes sense that the entire network is a huge mirror of his own morbid pathos.


This is an old canard that comes up every election cycle. Democrats busing blacks to the polls! Early voting at black shopping malls! Smart voters are better than lots of voters so we shouldn’t be making it easy for blacks to vote!

I wouldn’t worry too much about modeling after the Israeli election. Netanyahoo really only poached votes from the openly racist right-wing Zionists. Fortunately, in our country, as there are only 2 parties, the republican’t party is already saturated with that particular stench of bat guano.

He might not work for them much longer. They don’t like anyone who doesn’t hew close to the Fox party line.

Oh crap, what weird, twisted, wormhole did I just fall into? I agree with geraldo?

That’s a first.

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But can you imagine anything like this conversation taking place about an Israeli prime minister a year ago? Geraldo is on to something…there has been a major change in the narrative.