Discussion for article #232731
I am willing to bet not one of the legislators in Georgia or any other state adopting such resolutions has ever taken an AP History class.
Georgians are into Margaret Mitchell’s version of the Old South.
Next, a resolution on the positive aspects of slavery.
I anticipate that not one of these high schoolers get accepted into a school above the Mason-Dixon line. If that’s the way their parents want it, so be it.
So a main contributor to the next history text will be Uncle Remos by way of Disney?
Woods also said the state would “conduct a full review of our Social
Studies standards to ensure that they have proper focus on the Founding
Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and all
aspects of American History.”
Do you think he means including slavery and genocide?
I wonder what the educational background of the Georgia State Superintendent of Schools is?
Love me some small government
Soon the Georgia history books will be explaining how the War of Northern Aggression was an attempt to impose Sharia Law, remove the name of Jesus from the Constitution, and cover up the murder of Vince Foster. And it almost worked, until Chuck Norris karate-chopped slave master Saul Alinsky!
So in a state that is 33% black, the vast majority of them descended from slaves, the state wants to reemphasize the “Founding Fathers”, many of whom owned those black Georgians’ ancestors. If you point out that many of those founders owned other human beings, that’s considered “anti-American”, rather than truthful.
American Exceptionalism at its best.
How about all High School students read Thomas Jefferson’s Revised New Testament and
Thomas Paine’s The Rights of Man and Common Sense. This would emphasize the writings
of the Founding Fathers, but I suspect that all this reference to the Founding Fathers is not what this reaction is all about. It’s about inculcating youth with a revisionist Right Wing Theocractic view of American history that accords with a colonizing view of the world that the Crusaders (not exactly driven by democratic principles) would happily endorse.
Don’t forget “special rights” for Niggroes.
It must have mentioned the Civil War.
I wish that were too absurd to be anything but funny. But when these people think they’re among a receptive audience, they’re quite willing to talk about that.
They may have enrolled in such a class but they DID NOT PASS IT!
Because they believe this revisionist clap trap…
We are seeing the coming to pass of George Orwell’s 1984. Revised history favoring those in power. Students to learn the revised version of history; ignorance is a cornerstone for the spreading of propaganda, fostering nationalism, nativism, fascism and totalitarianism.
I wouldn’t be so quick to cast aspersions. Being north of the M/D line does not guarantee that a wonderfully enriched education is received. Here in Philly we had to pass a requirement for ALL students to take and pass the African American history course in order to graduate. Granted there are not that may white children still in our schools, but trust me, this Mofo would have a stroke if his kid had to face that. And don’t think there weren’t some in our state house who weren’t appalled. Hint: they weren’t black.
I knew an A student from Georgia who arrived at one of the Seven Sisters colleges and was horrified to learn there was such a thing as “Europe,” a place she had never heard of.
The educational system up here may not be consistently excellent but it’s a hell of a lot better than the GARBAGE that is actively pimped down South. Screw that! If you want your Honor Student child going to Bob Jones Univ., go ahead.