Discussion: Georgia Secretary Of State Website Crashed

Discussion for article #229737

You don’t say.


Oh i am sure the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, was really working hard on getting it back up.



Yeah, that’s the ticket!

<fuck these stupid “body too similar” messages>


I’ll bet you $100 that when accusations that the GOP/Teatrolls who run GA get accused of nefarious ploys for this, they will instantly defend themselves by yelling and screaming about the ACA website.


An 8.5MB image? Guys, thumbnails. xnconvert will do it in a snap for any format. Woe is anyone on a metered service that uses TPM often.

Or free speech and, and…BENGHAZI!!!1!!!

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When confronted, the janitor (who is a tea-bagger) unplugged his portable black and white 9 inch T.V. that he had been using to watch FOX News on and plugged the Secretary of State’s Web Site Server back in. Grudgingly.


And this surprises who along with the thousands of voter registrations that were just lost ?

"ATLANTA, GEORGIA—A court could decide any day now whether tens of
thousands of Georgia voters can cast a ballot this November, a choice
that could sway the outcome of the state’s neck-and-neck races for Governor and Senator.
Earlier this year, organizers fanned out across nearly every one of
Georgia’s 159 counties and registered nearly 90 thousand people who have
never voted in their lives, most of them people of color, many of them
under 25 years old. But when the groups checked back in late August,
comparing their registration database to the state’s public one, they
noticed about 50,000 of the registrations had vanished, nearly all of
them belonging to people of color in the Democratic-leaning regions
around Atlanta, Savannah and Columbus. "


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Gee. Whaddaya know about that? What a coink-ee-dink.

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Surprise surprise surprise!

Funny how those things always happen in states with a conservative secretary of state.

It’s time for a constitutional amendment that takes partisanship out of both redistricting and the running of elections.

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But do you recall a couple of days later when we got this headline?

So yeah…there’s that too. Fucking Georgia. Maybe McWar was right…“We’re all Georgians now”. Just don’t think he had his geography quite right.

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Are there remedies in the offing–extending voting hours, perhaps?

cue conservative anger at government ineptitude… no?


Right. I’m so shocked. Not.

Yes,Yep & Bingo,S.

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In Norton Shores, Michigan (that’s a suburb in the lakeshore area around Muskegon) had their election machine “glitch” that shut down the polls there. It also happens to be a heavily Democratic area in the state. I believe we are gonna hear a lot of this kind of crap before the night is out all around the country. And dollars to donuts, 9 out 10 of these “unanticipated problems” will be in Democratic districts in states with a bunch of toss up elections on the line.

My son who worked as a Democratic poll watcher tonight, said he heard that in Detroit there was a 3 hour power outage in a large swath of the city, suspending voting and being forced to turn away many citizens in a very heavy Democratic precinct. I can’t find any info on it at this point, but I’m still looking. Lot of hinky stuff going on…