Oh puh-leez: only a dude who’d wear that bad a toupee would believe that anybody would believe that stupid a fiction.
Um…TrumPublican™ Found shot behind a porn shop. Of course it was a black guy who did it. Sure.
State Rep. Gerald Greene, 69, had stopped for gas behind an adult entertainment store…
Is that what they call it now?
He was just stopping by for a few lap dances using some of the donated money. In short, he was being a good Rethugliklan working for the good of the community.
They’re going to need another season to investigate. Then still another season dedicated to… something. All I know is seasons are reserved because. But when it ends, it ends with a baby!
Google maps doesn’t show any gas station in that area. But there is a strip club right next door to the porn store.
And you would have imagined that a reporter might have picked up on that.
What is it with these lawmakers that don’t want to pay their bills ? ? …
Highly irregular.
But not highly unusual.
Ah look at you being all Geraldo ace reporter on us.
Judge not!
Who among us hasn’t stopped on our way home from the capital at an adult bookstore for a quick bj out back with a pocket full of looted red cross donations?
This entire article is an alternative fact. Other shoe yet to drop…
It turns out this headline is a little wrong. According to employees at the “gentlemen’s club,” Greene’s favorite lap dancer’s stage name is Stormy. Thus the headline should read “Stormy’s Relief Money.” They also said he liked to make it rain. No word yet on Stormy’s Red Cross volunteer history.
I think we just found the plot for the next Paul Thomas Anderson film
Damn I’m going to be forced to try to find a story from the past I don’t know how many years now, about the Texas GOP candidate who showed up shot in the leg and said he’d been hijacked. No, he had shot himself for the publicity.
I hate to think about looking for this, but ok…
It’s like I’m there.
It’s a pretty skeezy looking place. Not a lot of distinguishing marks. Unless you count trash cans, gravel lots, and chipped paint.
It was unclear why Greene would have been transporting a large sum of disaster relief money on his return home from the Georgia Capitol.
Heh. It’s only January but I do believe we already have a nominee for the Golden Duke, local venue.
ETA: The local station WRBL had a news crew nearby and cannot believe their luck. They are definitely making hay while the sun shines!
I’m guessing there was a storm in his pants?