Trump Nazis: This should be in constitution.
Radical women wearing burqas. You little Nazi wannabe; go fuck yourself.
I think the point is “anti-masking” statues have been aimed at masks and intentional hiding of the face. Not religious garb worn by people of a religion the statute writer doesn’t like.
“While this bill does not contain language that specifically targets any group, I am mindful of the perception that it has created,"
Of course you are mindful. You wanted to target burkas, and you knew you had to paper your intent over with neutral-appearing language.
“I am mindful of the perception that it has created.”
Yeah, the perception of you as an ignorant, gleefully hateful and punitive jerk.
Someone must’ve pointed out to him that banning them would make it harder to know who to shoot once the race war starts.
“While this bill does not contain language that specifically targets any group,"
Right - it just specifically targets anyone wearing a burqa, Hmmmm, not too many “groups” wear burqas - just the ones who are female members of a religion that requires the clothes kind of the way Mormons wear magic underwear.
I don’t like burqas, but I don’t wear one. It’s none of my business what these women want to wear and until one passes me a note that says “Save me” I am assuming that they are exercising their free will because this country doesn’t require the burqa like many Muslim countries do.
It’s like banning tampons and other women’s sanitary products and saying they aren’t targeting a particular group.
and a cracker
Wonder why this asswipe doesn’t propose legislation targeting the Pentecostal “holiness” code, which requires women to wear long sleeves and long skirts and to never cut their hair? Dog only knows what Kim Davis is hiding under that sundress-over-long sleeve T-shirt
Or under that slight poof on top of her head.
Let me guess: Somebody pointed out that it might restrict the wearing of certain key accessories of Klan uniforms. Can’t have that.
You mean besides the flab, stretch marks and white supremacist tattoos?
@tena Sikhs and their turbans will be next. You just know they’re hiding something under them.
Hasn’t that already happened somewhere - like the TSA or something?
@antisachetdethe Dog plus three-four good ol’ boys who’ve been privileged to marry her. Bless their hearts.
ETA Didn’t this little twerp have some other clever idea a couple of months ago? His mug looks familiar, but I’m too lazy (and depressed) to look back for it.
What you mean… if they don’t let him wear his hood, others should not be allowed to wear burqas… sounds fair.
“Rather than try to restrict the wearing of burqas, I have decided to introduce legislation to repeal current law so as to allow KKK members to wear their hoods with pride. Damn, I love those guys (and girls).”
“After further consideration, I have decided to not pursue HB 3 in the upcoming 2017 legislative session due to the visceral reaction it has created"
“…and I am too much of an idiot to have foreseen that that house on stilts over my head would come crashing down on me if I sawed off the stilts.”
Thanks for the visual.