One has to wonder why, since Georgia law says a candidate can be replaced if he’s disqualified by party rules that all the parties do not have rules that would disqualify a candidate convicted of a crime (obviously, the severity needs to be determined) prior to an election?
“Read about you in a Faulkner novel…”
Steven Foster drop out. It’s over. Go back to being a doctor. The drunk stuff won’t matter as much (although, I advise patients to check your calendars as they compare to happy hours).
Here’s another Foster …
It sounds as if the Democratic party was not serious about running a candidate in this race. Here we have an apparently right-wing Democrat with other crimes charged against him in the past competing against Republican Graves who is being sued for bank fraud. Isn’t there someone of either party who is competent to run and without significant scandals in their past? See
He was the only Democrat to run in the May 22 primary for the party’s nomination to challenge U.S. Rep. Tom Graves in northwest Georgia’s 14th Congressional District.
This is unconscionable. He’d been charged six months previously - and the Democrats didn’t even have some sweet little old lady willing stick her name in the ring just to make sure some bozo like this guy wouldn’t just walk in and grab the nomination by the you-know-what.
It’s not even a matter of being a long shot. If there is no choice for voters it isn’t much of a democratic exercise to vote.