The firm, V. Putin Associates of Moscow, will be taking over representation.
We have an election on some constitutional admenments in TX. Early voted Sat. I was surprised that our electronic machines were gone and we used paper ballots.
Any help discovering the legal basis for the withdrawal? e.g. conflict of interest.
_The lawsuit aims to force Georgia to retire its antiquated and heavily criticized touchscreen election technology, which does not provide an auditable paper trail.
The attorney general withdrew from supporting the election officials. How could he defend when the record was wiped?
Fuck that. She should be heading a criminal investigation into these acts. The withdrawal as counsel, if that’s all she does, is nothing but window dressing.
Can’t figure out if FBI is of one mind or multiple varying agendas - In some ways odd that they have said nothing - but could simply be letting the guilty parties make statement that eventually could be used against them
MoRe FaKe nEWS. HitlarY got RussiA to hacK the election. But trUmp won in a historic landslidE!
Not here.
Something I like is being able to vote in any voting location or precinct, even on election day. For a larger city that’s actually a big deal since there are lots of races that vary by location. Seems like the ideal method would be to use electronic means to print and possibly mark a paper ballot that the voter can examine and approve before putting in the box. Honestly, that’s not rocket science.
The FBI is investigating the wipe
First they stole the special election and then they destroyed evidence of the crime.
The wipe seems so ham-fisted. Was the election official by any chance named Papadopoulos?
I will state here, for probably the 1,573 time, that we need federal election laws that dictate that all states vote the same way for the same period of time, at least for president and members of Congress. Mail-in/drop-off ballots are the best way to go.
As counsel, you withdraw from a case if you’re “embarrassed”, to use courtroom terminology–if you become unable to discharge your duties to your client and to the court. What this usually means is that your client wants you to tell the court that X is the case, whereas he has told you, his counsel, that X is actually not the case–or some document contradicts X and your client has no answer to the contradiction. The Georgia AG has basically discovered that the SofS’s official version is obviously a lie, in short.
Maybe there was evidence on the server that the election was rigged??
“When the water reaches the main deck, follow the rats.”
Good to hear. Optic scan is cheap, easy, proven, and provides an automatic paper audit trail. There is absolutely no reason not to use it. Not reason that doesn’t involve compromising elections, that is.
The server wiped to hide that they cooked the results of the special election for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District that Karen Handel won by several points after trailing in the polls for weeks.
The client’s ass is fired.
I’ve had my suspicions about Georgia since Max Cleland lost to Saxby Chambliss, in, I think 2002. This could get very interesting.