Discussion for article #242700
Popcorn here! Gitchyer popcorn!
As one polluter to another …
I’ll have two boxes, got any beer?
It wouldn’t be half as hilarious if Will wasn’t a serial science denier.
But yeah, thought the world was going to all honey and cream when you slipped the surly bonds of objective reality and ran for the warm comfort of the Fox Bullshit Bubble, didn’t you? And yet, now you’re finding, to your surprised, that it smells bad and leaves a foul taste in your mouth.
How sad. Poor man. Maybe you and Juan Williams can get together and have a pity party.
This is rich coming from a columnist who lies like the rug on top of his head.
Can’t Saint Ronnie’s corpse be dug up to undergo an MRI to settle this urgent conservative debate?
Red State Welfare Queen? I’ll need cash in advance, please.
“Carelessness”? I think not. O’Reilly wanted his book to sell, so he was very careful about what he and his staff put in the book to make it marketable. If it’s just like any other Reagan book…not marketable.
And they are both wrong here. Will seems to be denying Ronnie was “out of it” while in office for the 2nd term. False. O’Reilly is saying Reagan’s was a little “out of it”, but is blaming the shooting. Seems to me Ronnie had Alzheimer’s that was more prevalent in term 2 as it progressed, and it had zero to do with the shooting.
Hey, be kind to George. His family lost income when his wife went down with Walker’s campaign.
She advised Perry during the 2012 campaign. She’s got quite the track record.
Cute couple.
I read somewhere, don’t recall that Reagan was displaying symptoms before the assassination attempt, then it cam on him hard a year or so after his re-election.
What pollutes history are the numerous hagiographies of St. Ronnie of Raygun.
I only started noticeably losing my hair once I moved to Oregon.
Holy shit, clearly Oregon causes hair loss.
The last person you’d expect to be lecturing others about “getting their facts straight.”
Typical freaking Republican kind of argument— arguing that a work of fiction gets its facts wrong. To me it only provides further proof that Repugnantcans have no idea what the difference is between fantasy and fact.
Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “Don’t poop on my hero worship delusions!!!”
Will and O’Reilly are sides of a counterfeit coin. Both are propagandists for a scoundrel president.