Not so sure about that. I’d venture at least a couple of members of the Bush Family voted for Hillary.
Well, he is ex-CIA and there is that big new NSA facility in Utah.
Believe me, down ballot Republicans in Texas are far from sane.
So basically, he doesn’t care who becomes President.
Shrub is very proud of his ‘Worst President of All Time’ ranking and didn’t want to risk it with Trump.
I respectively disagree. Trump is an idiot.
Particularly galling since the Bush family is largely responsible for handing America the Trump shit sandwich…
The problem is some unqualified guy listed as a presidential candidate on almost every voting machine nation-wide. It’s a yuge problem.
Exactly. So if the whole country did that - there’d be no new President? Ridiculous.
Bow your heads for the GOP Prayer:
I’m a Republican…
But I can change…
If I have to…
I guess…
(Apologies to Possum Lodge.)
So your insane party nominates a pussy grabbing bullshit artist, yet you continue to support them.
Profiles in courage. Trump IS the Republican Party. This is not some “fluke”.
Trump like a broken clock,has been right now and again. Pretty sure mentioning that George failed to keep us safe on 9/11 is the real reason no member of the Bush family would endorse or vote for him.
When trump loses the election and then begins the long climb back to oblivion where he came from, will that be the time people will stop referring to what he said that insults women? Yours is not the only one here today, so it’s not personal. Just reconsider who put it into our vocabulary.
That would be great, but it won’t happen. Hannity is too chickenshit.
Secret ballot.
It’s a great thing.
My apologies. I need more vodka
Hannity is afraid Babs will whoop his ass.
God, just vote for the qualified decent human! Yet another Bush who can’t man up and eat his broccoli!
Oh well, at least it’ll give them something to talk about with George P. Once he’s finished apologizing to his mama.
Is there even any left on the shelves? Enjoy.