Discussion for article #242648
“There’s another difference, I didn’t read The New York Times,” George W. Bush told Meacham with a chuckle.
Of course he didn’t. For two reasons: Not enough pictures and he couldn’t suffer the constant disappointment that nothing would pop up when he turned the pages.
dubya’s response …" I’m the decider now, Dad!"
Toward the end of the discussion, Bush and Meacham turned to former President George H.W. Bush’s reflections on his son’s presidency.
In the book, Bush says Rumsfeld “served the president badly” when George W. Bush was in the White House and that former Cheney “built his own empire” and asserted too much “hard-line” influence.
He worried about his son’s “cowboy image,” Meacham writes.
“I do worry about some of the rhetoric that was out there — some of it his, maybe, and some of it the people around him,” Bush said in the book.
Bush disliked the term “axis of evil,” which George W. Bush used to refer to Iraq, Iran and North Korea in his 2002 State of the Union address.
And W then said what ?? Are we missing something ? or was it not fit for print ?
“if another of his sons, Jeb Bush, wins the White House.”
THANKFULLY we’ll never have to worry about that.
Bush the Fool explained that his real dad was Jeebus and that he never suffered from a lack of personal insight from his father.
Well, of course W lied about that. He’s a Republican. Lying is what they do.
Shrub lied then, is lying now and will forever be defending himself for his lies.
Would that he had taken the advice more often.
Give me a break…
“There’s another difference, I didn’t read The New York Times,” George W. Bush told Meacham with a chuckle.
George the Dumber didn’t need to. He only recalls the past from Cheney’s notes.
Ambian does that to ya’ … Ya’ know?
Apparently little Georgie didn’t listen enough to dear ole dad.
“I Am Your Father” Darth Cheney was always the putative father figure in the WH…until W found it political expedient to run away from that fact after he left office. Trying to soften and look less crazy now by suggesting his father’s influence was stronger than he led on, simply isn’t gonna wash…not for him and not as a benefit for little brother Jebby. W did everything to prove he could outdo his father the entire time in office. Some shrink should still put W on the couch over that shit.
The fact that we went to remove Saddam to avenge a threat on his father’s life, was also a typical GWB over-reaction, and one that was brought up again and again during the ramp-up to the Iraq War by none other than W himself.
I do not believe anything the man says in his own mangled Southern clichés/Spanglish/Texas twang way or anything he nods to as an answer. Totally untrustworthy – and that’s one of his better qualities.
In the book, Meacham portrays the 41st president as the epitome of gentility and grace, bred for power but also humbled by it.
Sorry HW, some of us remember the 1988 campaign and Lee Atwater. You, like your son, are a disgrace.
dubya was a codpiece-wearing manly man who was offended that Poppy was called a wimp in the press and he started a war to make sure he was never called a wimp.
The jerk needed to wear a codpiece because he deserved–and still deserves–a swift kick to the groin many times over.
They can take the boy out of San Francisco but they can’t take San Francisco out of the boy
Big smiles!! Oh, so true!! So true!!
Believe me, when George H.W. dies and his papers are no longer classied, we will see the real man and it’s not going to be pretty.
During the run-up to the Iraq invasion, I was pretty certain that Bush’s WH was writing the Judy Miller NYT page 1 stories that lied about Saddam’s alleged WMD and nuclear bombs. So, I don’t blame Bush for not reading the Times. Why read it if you’re writing their stories for them? As Scotty Reston said many decades ago, “No one has the time to both write and read the Times.”
I would prefer to say that W’s the very worst and I much believe that, but historians agree he’s one of the 5 to 7 absolute worst presidents USA has ever seen
The question for so many of you is WHY did so many so many of you vote for him?? Are you fucking retarded or something???