Discussion for article #234693
I cannot help but read the statement in George Takei’s voice; and when doing that it sounds even more well thought-out.
What a decent man.
Pence is also gonna find out that when George Takei talks, people listen.
Bonus points to the first Indiana pol who whines about the Gay Mafia shoving their agenda down Indiana’s throat.
I do not think it will cause a general mass exodus of people, but GenCon may move in a few years. And that will hurt Indiana a fair bit. They will not admit it.
The issue is that nothing will really get done about any of these things until somebody is hurt by it and then we will have to wait a couple of years for anything in the courts. Then if the SC is conservative they will be fine with it anyway.
I question if some of these laws will not smack right up against the Supreme Court’s Colorado Amendment 2 decision when they are inevitably implemented the way some people desire to utilize them to deny services to those in the GLBTQ Community–anyone, really. They are just backdoor ways of justifying “turning away those you desire not deal with.” In particular, anyone who works for any government entity, municipality, etc., cannot turn away citizens on the basis of your (or their) religious beliefs.
Oh my.
Oh My!
Just wait until some Muslim/Hindu/Whatever Doctor in an ER tells a fat, white, Christian, redneck he won’t treat him because he is an “infidel” and the guy dies: AND THEY CAN’T CHARGE HIM WITH ANYTHING due to this law protecting his “religious free-dumbs”.
Extreme, but trust me. I will happen in some form or another.
What goes around, comes around.
I’m a Unitarian and I’m a Hoosier, so I’ll deny services to Republicans because they don’t follow God’s law of Treat Thy Neighbor as Thyself.
Nineteen other states have similar laws.
Will someone identify them so that they can be similarly targeted?
It is hard to imagine the form it would take but some sort of major upheaval is coming. The lines harden every day, and the metaphors are more and more based on war. And this is not just coming from certified looney-tunes like Phil Robertson (who gives voice to the “conservative” id and for that we should be happy); I see it some of it on left-leaning sites like Salon and WaMo.
Anyway, on a more pedestrian note: Even before this latest flap I was not planning to go to Indiana ever again if I could help it; the few times I have been there were uniformly dull, depressing, and utterly without redeeming qualities. I could not wait to be quit of it. And I’m straight.
Why can’t they just put up an outhouse with a plaque on it, labeled “Gen Con Presents Gov. Mike Pence and the Indiana Legislature’s Thinking Machine” in an otherwise bare convention center and then hold the REAL convention in another state?