Discussion for article #241187
In a bid to increase his 0.1% standing in GOP polling, Pataki seizes on an issue that makes the Top 100 Issues list of 0.00001% of GOP voters.
@Twitter is a great American company that should not give a platform to terrorists or traitors.
Dick Cheney is on Twitter?
How 'bout no? Does no work for you?
The greatness he saw on 9/11? That would be Rudy fleeing and bush with a bullhorn threatening war.
A Twitter reply to that is
@GovernorPataki wrong. A great American company gives voices a chance to speak, not silences them.
True, but that rises to .00002% among the pivotal Lindsey Graham supporters.
Honestly, if you don’t like Edward Snowden, the best thing possible is for him to become increasingly active and visible on Twitter. The more he talks, the less people support him. Twitter has a way to turn even the most respectable, high-minded person into a laughingstock or raving loon. For example, just look at George Pataki’s Twitter feed.
“Polling at 0 percent at the time of his announcement (well behind ‘none of the above,’ which is no small feat in a field of nearly 20 candidates), [Pataki] has not held public office since losing his reelection bid for governor of New York in 2006. Since then, he appears to have been doing nothing much save toying with the delusional notion of a presidential campaign…”
“This January on ‘Jeopardy,’ three contestants were shown a photo of Pataki’s face—but none could remember his name. Last month, when he shook hands with patrons in a New Hampshire Chipotle, many said afterward that they had no idea who he was…”
“Larry Sabato is one of those quotable pundits who always pretend to know something regardless of the question. But when asked by The New Yorker what Pataki had been doing for the past decade, he admitted he had no idea. Florida Republican strategist Rick Wilson summed up the campaign’s chances best when he predicted that the sight of a Pataki victory was as likely as that of ‘a monkey flying out of a unicorn’s ass’…”
Why is this guy running again? Seems to me he’s done very little since being Governor of NY. He’s almost in Fiorina territory for the last 10 years of his political career, aside from maybe going on Tweety’s show a couple times a year to prove he’s still alive somewhere.
So. Pretty unlikely, is that what he´s saying?
Don’t you just love Greenwald jumping in with his special élan? I wish GG and Trump could get a spat going – I’d pay to hear that. They’re both such prissy little twats. Admittedly, Greewald has some noble pursuits while Trump is nothing but a LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, I’M KING OF PLANET TRUMP ego monster. But they both attack people like petulant 10-year-olds. They’re made for each other!
Honestly, I think quite a few Republican candidates, including Pataki, are running this year just so they are positioned to emerge as a reformed ‘moderate-liberal’ Republican in time to challenge Hillary in 2020.
Would the GOP really ever nominate a guy whose name is a dyslexic’s rendering of “Pakistani”?
Is Glenn Greenwald still a thing? I honestly thought he kind of just faded away after his prophecies of imprisonment, assassination and martyrdom instead turned into a seven-figure salary and Oscar parties. I suppose there’s an election coming up soon, so Greenwald will probably be popping up more frequently in an effort to try to convince liberals that allowing Republicans to win is the best way to advance progressive causes. “George Pataki is a tyrant against Edward Snowden and the Democrats are to blame, so cast a protest vote (or just don’t vote at all) in order to enable Republicans! Yeah, that’s the ticket!”
A new and magnificently phony issue. For the GOP, that makes him a contender.
Greenwald for the win. Also to note, yes Pataki did see heroes on 9/11. On Television.
Pataki needs to change his twitter handle to @sadtrombone2016
I think quite of few of them are running to get out of the Lazy-boy in the house just to get away from the Mrs. They’re either bored stiff or need a fucking hobby.
George Pataki who?
I was kind of surprised to see to him attached to this article as well, but he’s not about to let some Repug has-been like Pataki attack his cash cow.