Dear H:
Read my lips: Go Fuck Yourself.
PS: I bet you really really wished you could still get it up when you sat for this cameo, eh?
Edit: WTF is with photos disappearing?
Dear H:
Read my lips: Go Fuck Yourself.
PS: I bet you really really wished you could still get it up when you sat for this cameo, eh?
Edit: WTF is with photos disappearing?
What’s your point here? This sounds lame, but not sure.
Not really a huge story here. They have a right to use the photo, and he has the right to ask them not to. He is just making it clear he was not endorsing the candidate. He has every right to do that.
Now if they said he had “endorsed” the candidate, then HW would have a right to be outraged and even take legal action. But that is not what happened. His right is restricted to what he did, protest the use of it.
That said, here’s a better idea HW. Why not push to ban ALL these nonsensical ads and PACS, etc. You could say that people are being misled by the ad, just like in ALL these ads, and say this is the reason why Citizens United, etc., was wrong. If you REALLY care about this stuff, speak up on that. You were actually a reasonable Republican President who commands a lot of respect among Republicans, what a great chance to do something VERY productive.
Micaiah- I think the point Joe is making is that HW Bush is crying crocodile tears.
Reality usually makes Republicans very angry.
The Bushes are showing themselves to be the attention-seeking Palins of the South. Just dumber but slightly less mean spirited in comparison.