Discussion: George Conway: If Verdict Were Unfit For Office, Trump Would Be Guilty

Rather interesting that the Conways live in the same house. Wonder if he ever gets any sort of truth from anything she says?
Why he almost sounds like a democrat.


Has the lovely couple started shopping around for publishers yet?


Kellyanne Conway then sided with her boss over her husband.

Trump is a black hole. Once you're sucked into his vortex there is no escape. Your atoms co-mingle with his and you become a blowhard idiot like him.

Astrophysicists are studying Gary Cohn and Hope Hicks, trying to discover how they defied the laws of the universe.

George, it’s not nice to mock the mentally impaired…

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Maybe something like this is next for Kellyanne and George? Reality show marriage?

Fun fact: She has a law degree. And I still say she doesn’t believe a word of the stuff she spews in her day job, she’s a hired gun providing a vigorous defense of her client no matter what her personal opinion of that client might be, and they both understand the vigorous defense part and laugh about that client when they get home.


Frankly, I’m getting a bit tired of this domestic drama. Not as tired as I am of the maladministration, but still, fatigue has set in.


Word is she’s numero uno admin leaker, while he condemns and may have written this. Nice scam they have going on.


Except I don’t see any evidence that she ever tries to constrain his actions - so if she were behind this, it is more to make Trump look bad, rather than try to reassure Americans that some inside are trying to keep things within the rails.

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While I, of course, never agreed with KAC’s politics, there was a time when I actually had some respect for her. She was a frequent guest on Bill Maher’s shows (Real Time now, and Politically Incorrect previously). She never sounded bat shit crazy then.

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There’s probably a lot of CYA going on, possibly they want a future in D.C. after trumpp and need to condemn and praise all at the same time.


[quote=“mattinpa, post:7, topic:86149”]
I still say she doesn’t believe a word of the stuff she spews in her day job, she’s a hired gun providing a vigorous defense of her client no matter what her personal opinion of that client might be
[/quote]Possibly so. But she still had the choice, and continues to have the choice, of whether to work for that particular client. It’s not as if she was appointed by the Court to represent him. I think it shows less about her professionalism and more about her character that she continues on … unless somewhere in the deep background she is really preventing more outrageous damage. And I’m not sure anyone is capable of that with Trump.


I didn’t say I found it admirable. I did say there may be a lawyerlike ability there to put aside her opinion of the client. She’s a lifelong conservative, that part seems genuine, and she may feel overall it’s not as harmful as we see it ourselves. And I think we often demand that people not work, ever, for other people we find deplorable. I’d like to see a show of hands from folks here who’ve done that for years, though, or worked in enterprises the goals of which they’re ambivalent about. It’s a harder sacrifice to make, leaving a job on principle, than people who haven’t done it might guess.


Well when one is 30 years younger than Trump…the expectation of living longer than that fat slug is a pretty sure bet.

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I’m convinced that is the only photo ever taken of George Conway.


Or maybe he just looks that way a lot of the time.


Yep. The Conways are grifters, laughing all the way to the bank on this long con.

I can’t stand to look at her anymore, but what I do remember from the time she switched from a Cruz-supporting NeverTrumper to a trump apologist is the satisfied smirk whenever her barrage of absurdities and lies leaves a reporter speechless. But masochistic members of the press still trail after her like puppy dogs because she’s the best source of gossipy leaks.

She has pwned the press and feathered her nest egg with filth. Good luck, Kellyanne and George!


Why should she? trump is her sugar daddy. She’s getting great name recognition and conservative cred for this gig. All she has to do is invent the spin and dictate it to the rest of the motley crew to repeat.

She’s going to stretch this out for as long as it pays. Then she’ll ditch it, she and George will write their big tell-all, and she’ll be the darling of the RWNJ talk show circuit.


Because it’s an act. She’s really not crazy. She’s playing a role that she performs exceptionally well.

When trump is out of office one way or the other, she’ll move on to the next con.

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