Discussion for article #222559
How about putting them in jail? That’s a start. FFS
Say Bill, we don’t want to KILL any of the bank thieves, but maybe, just maybe, throw one of them in JAIL for a while and you’ll see some satisfaction.
Every once in a while one of the Clintons reminds me how the DLC dragged the party over to the corporatists back in the 1990s.
Bill may be correct, but we’ll never know for sure without running the experiment.
Waterboarding works, if you believe Cheney.
We don’t want his blood, Bill. We want the money he and his ilk stole from the lot of us. Now kindly shut the fuck up.
I’m willing to test that theory. I’ll even apologize if I’m wrong.
Can we arrest, charge and try them first?
So it was either slit throats or loan them hundreds of billions of dollars and then forget the whole thing?
“Clinton: Nothing can appease the peoples’ blood lust for bankers.”
Shouldn’t that read, “Nothing can appease the bankers’ blood lust for people”?
This is a seriously stupid comment by Clinton. Shame on him. His love for the corporations and bankers knows no bounds.
It’s why so many of us voted for Obama, and despite the emo-prog blather that Obama is on their side, too, look at what he got done that would never have taken place under Clinton: the Elizabeth Warren CPFC and Dodd-Frank. Small steps but very much in the right direction.
Oh hellyeah.
Perp. Walk.
We don’t want blood. Just a fair trial, with a fair (and long) sentence if the allegations of fraud, corruption, and worse, are proven. Given the multiple times that Gold, man, Sucks has admitted serious (profitable) wrongdoing, with unbelievable conflicts of interest, I suspect that the prison sentences would be long for several of the top folks there.
That’s certainly the beginning. Then, after that, we need to change THE SYSTEM that creates monstrosities like Dimond, Blankfein, Moynihan etc. These scum are just the results that we get with a financial system run amok with zero regulation. The faces change and others * just like them* take their place.
Pure speculation. How can we know until we run the experiment? It’s the only way to be sure.
Wow. My exact words. Which I wouldn’t have written if I’d seen your comment first.
This is a variation on the straw man argument.
No one wants to kill the banking executives.
They just want them prosecuted.
Actually Sir,
I think if steps were taken to make sure that this would never happen again, you could just put the criminals in jail and we would all be completely satisfied.
Franky the public is not incensed enough considering this could all happen again tomorrow based on the lack of accountability and reigning in of reckless practices.
Clearly President Clinton was trying to cozy up to bankers with these comments.
You cant believe a word that comes out of Geithner’s mouth (not, that I could not see Clinton saying this). Can’t wait to see Timmy boy’s (aka Lloyd & Jamie’s bitch boy) excuse/whitewash on why he could not even try to jail these SOB’s.