Discussion for article #246587
Mussolini? I don’t know a thing about him. If he supports me, I can’t do anything about that. I’ll have to look into him, I suppose. And, who’s this Hitler fellow I’ve been hearing about?
More like Il-Douche-y
Damn, you beat me to it!
The stupidest thing in this entire egregiously stupid presidential campaign season is all the people running around claiming to be populists. First of all, there is nothing good about populism -that’s exactly what elected Mussolini and Hitler. I’ve seen FDR referred to a populist and that’s a straight hoot.
That word gets bandied around and it makes me nervous because nothing good ever came from a populist.
Moral of the story:
Twits lacking impulse control or common sense about what they tweet should avoid using Twitter.
Yes. This term is used incorrectly. Populism = Demagogy.
Policies that work for the People are not the same as populism.
I cringe when Bernie Sanders is described as a populist. He is not!!!
Gawker, when you can get Trump to walk into an open manhole, that will be newsworthy.
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag, badly mispelled, and topped by a ridiculous orange hair-do.
or at least entertaining!
Gawker is and will remain unknown to Trumps supporters. The same can be said for Mussolini. The people supporting Trump have barely heard of Hitler.
It is hilarious because Trump is the target – but not so funny when someone inevitably will use a quote trap on the democratic nominee. I remember during the 2008 campaign, when someone made a hoax Hillary website offering to pay supporters to join her army of internet trolls. It got reported as real by a lot of news outlets and blogs. I thought it was funny at the time, but not so much looking back.
They should also avoid being President!
I think the Mussolini retweet is inspiration for a great contest. Can you get him retweeting his opposition, such as Obama or other prominent Dems? A terrorist? Homer Simpson? Lincoln’s assassins? Marx (Groucho or Karl will do)? Zapata?
Saul Alinsky.
Asked about the tweet in a TV interview, Mr Trump said he wanted “to be associated with interesting quotes”.
“Mussolini was Mussolini… What difference does it make?” Mr Trump said when asked about the retweet on NBC’s Meet The Press programme. “It got your attention, didn’t it?” [BBC]
Yes Donald. You just stay on that path… Surely things turned out great for that nice Benito fellow…