Discussion: Gary Johnson Suggests His Gaffes Prove He Wouldn't Put Military In Harm's Way (VIDEO)

And I thought that Palin and Trump had some serious word salads.

How can anyone take Mr. Johnson seriously as a presidential nominee?


but seriously, ask him why does he want to be president again?


I donā€™t know what to do with proudly stupid people. :expressionless:


We canā€™t send troops to Liberia!!! Are you daft, I canā€™t even find it on a map!!


Sadly, if it is true that he doesnā€™t respect any national leader, then thatā€™s what he should have said, rather than derping through. I get that he might not respect any leader, but it is almost like he didnā€™t understand the question. Hell, as governor of New Mexico, he should have been able to at least answer with the name of the person in charge of his neighbor to the South.

The guy canā€™t think quick enough on his feet, which is the mark of a good leader. When faced with an ā€˜I donā€™t knowā€™, then say I donā€™t know. When faced with a Hobsonā€™s choice, itā€™s ok to say ā€˜none of the aboveā€™, and be specific as to why itā€™s none of the above.

He demonstrated himself as a bad option. His numbers should begin to decline. Jill Stein is already pretty insignificant at 2%.


Shorter Johnson: Ignorance is bliss.

Also shorter Trump, shorter Stein.

That darn Hillary with her facts and reality. What a spoilsport!


Whoaaa ā€¦

" Up in smoke ā€¦ thatā€™s where I wanna be ā€¦

Cause when Iā€™m high, the world belowā€¦ donā€™t bother me ā€¦" ā€“


Well, I do kinda wish that Bush would have kept forgetting which country we were supposed to invadeā€¦


Hereā€™s a suggestion Gary you fucking moron ; STFU and go away .
You make Trump supporters look brilliant and I believe you are a litmus test of "How stupid can you be and still run for president"


Ha ha ā€¦


Elect me, Iā€™m an incompetent doofuss.


Um, Gary, sorry, but your rationalization is a prime example of "sloppy logic."

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I was just thinking basically the same thing, that he actually scares me more than Trump. Trump might actually put someone in charge that knew what the hell they were doing. This guy seems like heā€™d try and do everything himself.

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I donā€™t know. I frankly find it extremely disturbing that he doesnā€™t even respect President Obama or any other countryā€™s leader. He couldā€™ve said that he disagrees with him on many things but he respects him. Or even Justin Trudeau. The fact that he doesnā€™t respect anyone else is disturbing. Itā€™s that sort of tea bagger philosophy that anyone with whom you simply disagree is an enemy and unworthy of basic respect and decency.


Gary, please just drop out and throw your support to Hillary. Thatā€™s H-I-L-L-A-R-Y C-L-I-N-T-O-N, sheā€™s the female Democrat running for President of the United States (of America). Iā€™m sure Bill Weld will be OK with this. And have Bill explain to the millennials why Hillaryā€™s policies are actually better for them now and in the long run than are yours.


Speaking of brain surgeons, I see Fox News has bought The Weather Channel:

Viewers this week expressed outraged at Weather Channel Meteorologist Jen Delgado, who asserted that the deforesting of Haiti could be attributed to hungry children eating the trees.

While reporting on Hurricane Matthew on Monday, Delgado noted that Haiti faced additional risk because the country had fewer trees than the Dominican Republic.

ā€œThatā€™s because this whole area has been essentially deforested,ā€ she explained. ā€œThey take all the trees down, the burn the trees. Even the kids there, theyā€™re so hungry, they actually eat the trees.ā€

Plucky, I would love to agree with you on this, but I really do believe Gary is that clueless. A governor that served at least one term in a US state should be able to do precisely as you state, but this guy just canā€™t conjure up anything because he just doesnā€™t seem to know.


Enough. This man is not a candidate, serious or otherwise. Heā€™s a meme.