Better start selling, because it’s going to keep going down for a while, yet.
What was the percentage for those who are “embarrassed as hell” to be an American during the Trump maladministration?
White people are 1 percent less extremely proud to be an American since last year, at 54 percent.
That … is … pathetic.
Can we have the asteroid now, please?
How about the percentage who pretended they were Canadian?
This was my thought, too. Kinda hard to be “proud to be An-a-murrican” when our country has elected a fascist, misogynist pig, traitor and criminal as Preznit.
Welcome to the best of Trump’s America.
It’s all downhill from here.
To many conservatives only a few more plays of the Lee Greenwood song and forced standing for the pledge at sporting events will rectify things.
I’ve never been less patriotic than now. Trump’s regime leaves a bad taste in my mouth. My opinion of 40% of America couldn’t be lower.
Think we got it. Just wasn’t expecting one with a combover.
The one you’re thinking of – the one with the combover – is a hemorrhoid – not an asteroid.
So, hyper-nationalism, racism, ethnic grievance, and dictator appeasement make Americans less nationalistic? That’s rather encouraging, actually.
While it may have happened before, it is a first in my lifetime that many are apologizing to foreign nationals for being Americans.
And the stain won’t go away soon.
It’s like what happens when a turd fall in a bowl of ice cream. even after you remove the turd, nobody wants to eat out of the bowl. (Attention children. This is a theoretical exercise. do not try this at home.)
It was the first time that “extremely proud” Americans don’t constitute a majority in the poll.
The latest in the growing list of Trump firsts. Winning. #MAGA
Given the American proclivity for refusing to learn from the mistakes of prior generations, your warning was well-considered but likely futile.
I am a proud American which means I am not a Trump or one of his followers.
There are more Americans against Trump then for him so there is hope.
Keep your belief that we can get through this.
Trump is not an American,he is Putin’s Piss Ant.
I don’t know. Happened with Dubya.
I just didn’t think it could actually become so much worse than that.
Polling science would tend to indicate that intensity is overstated overall, because being proud of one’s country is a positive attribute that people are not likely to express their real feelings and will inflate their pride in response by some percentage. That is, response bias is one-directional and always has been.
How many people would actually tell someone they don’t know that they are not at all proud of their country, even if they felt that way? Some, for sure, but some percentage will inflate a little, and some more will inflate a lot. I’d suggest that this hyper-partisan and escalating rhetoric environment, people have even more incentive to inflate or disguise their disgust for their own country, particularly when the self-proclaimed party of patriotism is pushing that message.
well i am embarrassed as hell and they didn’t even count me.
Dubya who?
Oh. Him.
Dagnabit, I’d managed to forget and you just had to remind me.