Discussion: Gaetz Claims He 'Personally Apologized' To Cohen: 'Let's Leave The Cohen Family Alone'

According to his lawyers he can hope this shows up as true repentance in his sentencing report?


Not enough asshole. How is it that shitheads like this get “backsies”? Whitaker too. If you straight up lie you don’t deserve a mulligan


Personally apologized after the damage was done. Doesn’t cut it.


Apologies are cheap and don’t undo the damage. As Emily Dickenson said, “Some say a word is dead when it is said. I say it just begins to live that day.”


It is as though Gaetz just discovered that his gang isn’t in the majority any more and he isn’t going to be protected by a supine Republican speaker. It is also as though he actually listened to Cohen’s warning that he used to suck up to Trump just like Gaetz and in the end nothing good came of it.


Trump’s #1 Butt-boy backs down?

Witness tampering is so not cool.


Not so fast, mister. The apology needs to be offered in the same manner as the injury.
Let’s try it again. This time publicly.




Sounds like someone who’s panicking, having had it pointed out that their own closet is not empty of skeletons.


Hear that Donny?

Leave Michael’s family ALONE!!!

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Yeah this is going to take a while. Watching some of the puffed up belligerents wilt yesterday when they were forced to actually behave like adults made you realize that they still really weren’t getting it, but were going to eventually.

In Gaetz’s case make someone aware that he just put himself in real danger of being forced to resign from Congress, be disbarred, and maybe worse and it’s weird how polite, moderate, and considerate he becomes the next day. Must have just laid awake thinking gosh, that was mean of me and had a change of heart. Can’t think of any other reason he’d flip so completely.


It probably won’t happen, but I’d be delighted to read, one morning in March, that Gaetz had been disbarred in Florida, and then ejected from the House.


Is that why Gaetz showed up at Cohen’s hearing? To apologize in person?

I doubt it.


Dumb. Ignorant. Flailing. A big mouth and a tiny, tiny brain. What more can the Republicans of Florida hope for as they sit their fat asses on their flooding beaches?


First, you rile up a Parkland victim’s father and have him thrown out of a hearing, then apologize.
Now you publicly threaten a person set to testify before Congress, then say back off his family.
Have you learned nothing? Even Trump’s days of tweeting whatever you want with no reciprocity are coming to an end. Think before you talk or tweet. Or better yet, STFU.


So this is what a tweet/twitter version of a dog’s tail tucked between its legs sounds like. Though I don’t know that you can put the cat back din the bag after you let it out so blustery and ominously.

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Beta cuck says what?


His Twitter feed is a lark and a half

**Ok, so you went from a not so veiled threat, to saying your threat was warranted, to deleting the threat, to apologizing for the threat?

My god, you sound just like Michael Cohen.**

— Anonymous White House Official (@dvorakoelling) February 28, 2019

**Thanks for clearing that up. Now about the weird lurking around today in the hearing....what was up with that, stalker????**

— STB (@stb26_2) February 28, 2019

**Should have thought of that before you drunk tweeted yesterday afternoon.**

— Chase Beydler (@ramsay101) February 28, 2019

**I don't have to leave the Cohen family alone. I didn't threaten them.**

— CD Reiss (@CDReisswriter) February 28, 2019

**Hahahahaha. Nervous?**

— Alicia M. (@RetroDish) February 28, 2019

And my personal favorite:

**When you criminally threaten a witness (and theatrically flounce into the hearing room to intimidate him) BEFORE he testifies, it is neither legally significant nor credibly sincere when you apologize AFTER he testifies.**

— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) February 28, 2019

Somebody he knows and respects got to him. His significant other, a key adviser, or maybe his donor. Somebody hit him over the head. It might have been Cohen himself.