Discussion: Gabby Giffords Strugges To Gain Support For Tighter Gun-Control Laws

Discussion for article #229447

fuck you nra and your faux concern. not impressed with your war chest either, proves how corrupt you are and that you are a money making enterprise.

regardless of what she says, her endgame is ... draconian gun control

“Regardless of what she says.” That’s the sign of a group that’s not an honest broker, a group you could never talk to or do business with. Mindless, hysterical zealots you have to kill (with votes) to defeat. It’ll happen, but I’m afraid Gabby’s right and it will indeed be a long, hard haul.

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If you have ever seen the stuff the NRA and its ilk send out over email, you know that a large part of their target audience is mentally ill and intellectually challenged people. They want those folks to have guns and lots of them. Any people killed by people like the guy who shot Giffords are no more than collateral damage and just another marketing opportunity for the NRA.