Yes, to liberals it’s a crime not to march in lock step with U.S. propaganda. The U.S. government and supporting Americans are hardly ones to be calling butchers like Assad, or anyone, war criminals. Or to put it the other way, “war criminals” are those that lose in war or whose policies don’t march in accord with those of the U.S. As for Gabbard, I appreciate her skepticism (“dodge”), but wonder how long it will take her to learn the correct answers, corresponding to her party membership and its purpose - or bail or be thrown out.
An EST weekend? Have you recovered yet?
You never recover.
I can’t figure out who her ‘target’ (or assumed) constituency/audience is for a presidential primary run. Each time she gets coverage I wonder again…why is she running? who is she supposed to be appealing to?
“I think that the evidence needs to be gathered, and as I have said before, if there is evidence that he has committed war crimes, he should be prosecuted as such.”
Um, howzabout Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the NeoCon cabal?
How much does Putin pay her?
Seems like Rep. Gabbard may be suffering from “Trump blindness syndrome” when it comes to this Dictator. . . . .and others?
[quote=“ghost, post:22, topic:85408”]
An EST weekend? Have you recovered yet?
[/quote]Not yet, but it’s only been 20 years, so I’m still hopeful.
Is the idea here to conflate a healthy skepticism of information one receives as president with Trump’s constant trashing of intelligence agencies to paint her with the same brush?
But then you can graduate to The Forum. Same shit, same smell.
C’mon, people - is nobody going to make a Daylight Savings joke? Do I have to do everything around here?
Okay, here goes:
"I’d like to Spring Forward and comment that it might be hard, but you can eventually Fall Back on your original beliefs and it’ll all be okay…
There, was that so hard?
She’s an election away from being an election away.
Is this microphone working?
I’m here all week, don’t forget to tip your waitress!
so what is the progressive-approved answer? a strong Yes? and if so, what evidence other than reports of chemicals attacks that were never 100% confirmed as coming from Assad’s forces? and attacks that just happened to suit the rebels and US military’s purposes. Syria was and continues to be a shit show but for anyone to firmly declare that Assad is a war ciminal indicates an unwilligness to confront the fog of (civil) war. comments here indicates that gabbard has failed another purity test. the party is fucked as long as this is how we move forward and discuss real issues with these candidates.
So if I murder someone it’s going to be impossible for me to recognize another murderer when I see one? Okay, got it.
She claims to have figured the Iraq thing out. Wonder why she is now unwilling to be blunt about who Assad is.
Your argument if applied in a different setting goes like this: we British were horrible colonialist therefore it is totally unfair for us to charge that Hitler is not a nice guy.