Discussion: Gab Links Up With Fringe Gun Rights Site Amid Backlash To Users' Rhetoric

Riiight. Instead of “kowtowing to online mobs”, we want to grow our own.


So the “bots” they’re complaining about are investigators?

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“Tyranny” = declining to do business with you because of your hateful rhetoric.


Tyranny, ‘religious’ tolerance, and the general catch all ‘you’re censoring my freedom of speech!1!11!11’


This 2nd Amendment Processing biz believes the 2nd Amendment is the most important constitutional right, more important than the right to free speech, assembly and religion. They’d sacrifice everything for their guns, especially everyone else’s free speech rights.

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Sounds like maybe this site is part of the Michigan Militia movement here. Just a guess.

Btw, I noticed on TV here that they’ve been showing commercials in the last month or two now, selling long guns. What’s next? Saturday night specials? Ya can’t sell cigarettes because its a public health issue, but you can sell guns on TV? That’s just wrong. I have never seen any gun commercials on TV that I can remember, until a month ago or so. It just weirded me out.

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Potentially misleading investors?

This could become entertaining.

caffeinated , thats only why it supports all of that with GAB. I will still be investing the moment I can into GAB, and whether or not you like it, GAB, & 2A processing are on the rise. The Daily Wire is growing to become one of the big news groups. And we are watching the sad agendas of the Left failing every single day.