Discussion: Ga. Senate Candidate: Claims That I Wants To Raise Taxes Are 'Outrageous'

Discussion for article #222865

He’s in the GOP and doesn’t realize this is standard operating procedure (ask McCain about his black baby) means he’s not a serious candidate.

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All Republicans want to raise taxes because they get the lion’s share of it.

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Moses did not bring current tax rates down from Mount Sinai. Like everything else in life, sometimes taxes will go up, sometimes they will go down and sometimes they will stay the same.

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David not only denies the allegations, he denies the alligator.

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Repugs lying about something? NEVER. At least in the last 30 seconds.

Everyone seems to have forgotten that the Republicans demanded an end to the payroll tax holiday as part of one of their budget deals and got it. Gover Norquist gave his blessing.

When the Republicans talk about not raising taxes, they are mostly talking about the 1%.

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Read my lips.

Raise taxes? Heck no, I just want to keep spending and adding to the national debt!