I hope these guys continue to shred each other and that Stacey Abrams kicks someone’s old white Republican ass in the actual election. I sent in my contribution to her campaign last week.
GO Stacey!
There can be only one …
(true Trump sycophant).
“I can be trumpier than you can.”
“No, you can’t”
“Can so, too”…
“In statements to The Associated Press, both campaigns pushed back on
criticism that they were late in their support for Trump and positioned
themselves as the most strident Trump backers.”
Hi AP - it would make your reporting more accurate if you informed the skimmer exactly who was criticizing them. Also, when stating things like:
“support for small business and the revitalization of blue-collar jobs have proved to be winning messages here”
you might want to do some journalism 101 and find out how many blue collar jobs have been revitalized in Georgia since January 2017.
Anyway, though you probably just phoned this in, if you did go down there, I hope you had some pralines or ate a peach or something that would have made it worth your time.
R. Hortense Corvidae
After being criticized by opponents for not endorsing the early candidacy of President Donald Trump, the two Republicans vying to become Georgia governor are now battling over who is the true Trump supporter.
See also: Michele Bachmann
Sure. I gave this post a “like.”
But now I’m blind.
I’m blind.
The boat is filling with water and these idiots call for Trump to throw them the bower anchor.
And a sweet tea.
Rats racing to be first to board the garbage scow.
Anyone else looking at these guys’ photos and wondering if the reason they’re in politics is because they failed to strike it rich as televangelists?
I have hope, yesterday in the 4th of July parade, Abrams supporters (she wasn’t there) got cheers, Casey’s people-crickets (I live in Delta country) and Kemp’e people a no show; and believe me I live in a solid red town. So yes, let’s hope.