Discussion: Future Of Colo. Ed Board's Patriotic AP History Plan Muddy After Contentious Meeting

Discussion for article #228382

Playing for time. Keep an eye on WHICH “students, teachers, and other community members” get on that advisory committee.


“…The board’s conservative majority voted over the objections…”

Of everybody. It’s what conservatism is all about.


If you tore something in your knee, which surgeon would you pick: a guy who wants to fillet the whole joint open because that’s how they did it 40 years ago when he was a student, or someone who keeps up with the times and uses the best available, modern technique?

The question answers itself, and nobody would think to consult a politician.


this board is brought to you by Koch Industries…they want to rewrite history…plain and simple…but, but, the kids and faculty know they have been bamboozled in the last election…and I don’t think this is over yet…we need to really OUT the koch boys for who and what they are…they have set out to destroy this nation, one step at a time, and they are being successful…


Historically speaking, if I were given the choice between England’s petty criminals, and the Puritans, I’d have to say that Australia got the long end of the stick.


Just one of the items omitted from history.


In typical right wing fashion the vote was “you will do what we say regardless if you like it or not”. Remember this in November because this is just more of what right wingers have managed to do since the 2010 wave election. They’ve Gerry-mandered voting districts so that for the interim it is near impossible to get them out of office once they are in and they’ve shoved their hypocritical special interest driven ideology and quasi-religious social engineering agenda down our throats


Not to mention the girl holding up the sign referencing Cencor, a career college there known for the Tolman v. Cencor precedent.

Remember when we were #1 in education? What are we now?

Is the school board up for re-election?

I don’t think that you can Gerrymander a county election, but keep up the good fight, Jeffco. This started in Douglas County and the voters here are fine with it, so I guess it’s up to you.

Cory Gardner says that Udall voted with Obama 99% of the time. Can anyone out there tell me how much Cory has voted with Michelle Bachmann, or Louis Gomert?

Why do we tolerate this nonsense from the right wing zealots? Revising history to suit their agenda reminds me of how Russia and China, among others, began by revising history, then by just deleting anything that didn’t suit their ideology. History should be factual and complete, and let people study and learn from it. The right wing is leading us on a very dangerous path, one that I don’t think even they understand.


Those who control the past, control the future. Those who control the present, control the past. – George Orwell

Great idea: Get rid of republicans. Anything considered.

funny you should mention that particular incident. I went to school in Jefferson County (25 years ago) and remember learning about the Sand Creek massacre for the first time in college. I even wrote a paper in college about how it was scrubbed from my history classes in high school. I never thought it would be so relevant this many years later.