Discussion: Fund Meant To Protect Elections May Be Too Little, Too Late

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Trump and Republicans deliberately withheld funds or pass any legislation protecting our elections because they were the ones who benefited from Russian hacking, and were banking on this again taking place in 2018 midterms in order for them to keep control. One of the first things Democrats need to do when taking back Congress is to pass legislation mandating that all election systems throughout the country must be the same and be hacked proof with paper Ballot backup system and redundancy. Never again can any election be called into question because of it inaccurate tabulations of votes cast. Also when election is called there cannot be any outstanding votes yet to be counted or missed. Also when ever ballots are handled, there must be at least three people present, one from each party and an Independent observer.


The Rs are feeling threatened by Russian hacking so they’re going to spring into action to save their sorry asses. It was no biggie that Ds have been threatened for several years now.


That sounds like a constant Republican plan whenever social programs are concerned.

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Thoroughly fixing the voting system might deprive Trumpf and friends of the chance to claim fake election any time one of them lost or, say, didn’t win the popular vote but snagged the Electoral College.
I’m sorry

Replacing voting equipment, however, is a costly endeavor that often takes years

No it’s not, actually. A paper ballot with a magic marker is the most secure voting system ever devised.

We need to get serious and demand paper ballots in every state for all national elections, like right now. Then spend the money on securing the registration and vote counting infrastructure.


Demand a paper ballot at your polling place. Call the local media and insist that they interview the Board of Election Commission to make sure that there will be enough paper ballots for everyone on the voting rolls on election day. There is no way to validate the election results using electronic voting machines with the Russians already inside our system.

This needs to be a major issue going into this election. Congress is doing nothing to stop the continued attacks by Putin on our republic and its elections. We have to take this into our own hands.

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Opti Scan paper ballots have been an option in almost all polling places ever since voting machines became popular after the punch cards debacle in 2000. But there has to be enough paper ballots available for everyone who wants them. Nothing less than one ballot for every registered voter in a precinct held in the ready is acceptable. There should also be enough pens with the correct ink provided only by the election board.

You can actually see your ballot being read as it is fed into the Opti Scan machines…handled only by you. The number count will go up on the meter by one number, so you can check.

If there are any problems or doubts about tampering later, the ballots can be ran again in a recount or better yet read by hand by election judges. Not so with the electronic machines. The paper tally there does not show your physical intent only the processed programing. If you want to insure your vote is cast, there must be a physical record of you actual vote.

We have been invaded and nothing has been done about it by Congress or the White House. But we as citizens can protect our elections by taking this within our own hands and demanding paper ballots.