Discussion: Full Text Of Charleston Suspect Dylann Roof's Apparent Manifesto

Discussion for article #237686

> I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940’s American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion.

Didn’t Prescott Bush say the say thing? Didn’t American businesses like Standard Oil develop similar attitudes while continue delivering oil to Japan even after war was declared? After all it is always about money in one way or another even for this jobless loser.


Whoever wrote that was so racially superior that he couldn’t run a spelling check. So no, typos not forgiven. Or any of the rest of it, either, ever.


After this racist website of high school dropout Dylan Roof has been uncovered, there is no way the GOP can deny that the shooting at the Charleston church was anything but a racist hate crime.

One wonders why his parents didn’t do more to get him educated and get him a job. Instead his father buys him a gun that he then uses to kill people.


If Rick Santorum keeps using his War against Christian bullshit, someone should shove this manifesto down his throat.


Yes, the politeness at the end made me shudder… The rest of it was all Alex Jones and his followers’ content, what Alex exhorts his followers towards but hasn’t done himself and never will - because he’s using the fear and its following anger for gold, not good.


They’ll claim this was faked. Just wait.


I’d like to read crap like this and think, ‘what a wacko,’ but unfortunately I think there are probably a lot of people out there reading this and nodding their heads.

Facebook is full of people defending the confederate flag today.


I had a one-off job as a teenager, helping a farmer during the summer months. One morning, I stumbled across a dead sheep, covered in maggots from head to toe. It made me physically ill.

Dylann Roof’s magnum opus has the exact same effect.


They’ll have to go spelunking in his ass first, since that’s where his head spends most of its time.

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What a loser. Talk about gullibility.

Sounds a great deal as though there was a white girl who was kind to him but liked a black guy better that he fantasized about ‘saving.’

Totally clueless about himself and life and society.

And if I were him, I wouldn’t talk about IQ and impulse control but I would lay a wager that he had very low testosterone.

I’d also argue that he self-radicalized in the same way that ISIS gets its recruits: presenting a portrait of total gory victimization of a group the target recruit identifies with and then use that as a justification for the recruit turning anger from his personal situation against a target while pretending to himself that he is acting from the most disinterested motives. Warped.

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What say you now, Jeb!, Rudy, Lindsey, Nikki, WSJ etc.? Still stymied as to why?


Oh please, don’t compare Prescott Bush to this punk. And Bush was not a Nazi sympathizer, that is totally debunked rubbish. Like thousands of Americans after the Stock Market Crash, he did business with floundering Germany. That’s not a Nazi Sympathizer, none of those people supported Hitler’s invasions, tactics, or the holocaust. If they did, they would be in jail. Plus he was a huge supporter of the American Birth Control League, was a Treasurer for Planned Parenthood, and was the chairman of the CT branch of the United Negro College Fund. He also was big on using the government for protecting the public against floods and hurricanes. He also voted to censure Joe McCarthy. None of that sounds “Nazi” to me. Roof actually approves of what the Nazis did. Huge difference.

How much testosterone did the 87 year old woman (6 or 7 his victims were women) he murdered had?


He’s a full going coward and unrealistic. My judgement about this guy’s low testosterone levels has to do with the lack of an Adam’s apple, or chin, or shoulders. I was comparing hm to most guys of whatever race. My first a remaining impulse is that the guy is a complete loser.


Most of this seems to be a cut-and-paste job.

But of course I dont deny that we are in fact superior.

This ignorant runt could have between-- say-- 6 and 70 years-- to find out how wrong he is.
I would like to see him given a life sentence.

Like Charles Manson, I’d like for him to await the parole board’s denial every year-- for the rest of his life.
He deserves learning just how demented his mind is-- and having to reconcile it every day till he dies.



He’ll claim it’s fake, part of the liberal plot to destroy 'Merka.

The racism cat is definitely out of the bag now.


I wonder what the rush was. It’s not like he had a job to get to.