This stance — or perhaps this kind of posturing — is inevitable.
Complaining about it is also inevitable, if futile.
It’s up to Democratic leadership in the House to manage it.
This whole discussion seems to me to pose a strawman distinction between a party that supposedly wants thousands of investigation and a wing that wants only bills. No one wants one or the other. The clear, common sense line is to investigate big obvious issues (obstruction of justice, corruption) and legislate. One reason to keep Nancy Pelosi is that she has the experience to walk and chew gum at the same time.
This will be perhaps the most important Congress in the history of the United States, and not because they passed healthcare bills that died in the Senate.
I would like to introduce Freshman Dems to a simple 2 step method for getting things done:
- Get power first
- Then use it!
The Republicans are “playing power” 24/7 and wielding it ruthlessly. Wanting to do great things for your constituents is admirable but you can’t achieve anything without having power. Keep the good intentions but focus on maximizing power. Then you can be the opposite of a Mitch McConnell.
Imagine an eighth grade with no math, science, English, history or gym. There’d be nothing left but the cafeteria. Brittany was like, “you’re fat,” and Madison was like, “you’re mom’s a whore,” and then Morgan and Taylor were like, “oooooh, burn!” and then Trevor dumped chocolate milk on Noah’s head and that’s how it started.
And that’s politics today, without legislation. Into the vacuum rushes a genre of scorching tweets being escalated to the level of “news.” I’m with the freshmen on this.
Welcome to the 116th congress Freshmen & women! The House will be lead by Nancy Pelosi. She will teach you how to walk and chew gum at the same time, among other things.
Telling the woman who got the ACA through that healthcare should be a priority is a bit disingenuous, don’t ya think?
We know you youngsters are ready to roll and that’s great, but seriously, take a breath.
While I applaud the freshmen for being intent on serving their constituents, I trust that they will realize that their legislative intent will boil down mostly to setting the agenda for when Democrats control both houses and, I devoutly hope, the White House. With only the House in their hands, and especially given the malevolence of Senate Republican leadership and the menace in the Oval Office, for the next two years Democrats will be effective mainly through erecting roadblocks.
First of all, it’s possible for a Congress with hundreds of members and God knows how many staffers to accomplish more than one goal at a time. Investigating an administration so criminal that it surpasses the ability of the general public to imagine or grasp is one of several important goals this Congress is perfectly capable of. So don’t be scared if you get a few knucklehead phone calls, you damn weenies. Make saving the damn republic a priority and put some lovely healthcare and jobs and infrastructure and environmental bills on the side when you plate it up. And if people don’t understand what Trump’s done and is doing, explain it to them.
I think they can do both things at once. In fact, it’s imperative that they address the bad actors that stood and continue to stand in the way of functional governing. Neither Gorsuch nor Bart O’Kavanaugh will stand up for the Constitution and so will block any good governing bills that run contrary to their sick little ideology. Trump and his coterie of deplorables need to be brought down, full stop. And the bad actors in the House need to face discipline for their toadying to a corrupt and malevolent administration. There’s no reason legislation needs to be hindered by investigating crooks. Local and state governments do law enforcement and still fix bridges and educate children. No reason the House can’t.
The sentiments are admirable,but I need to see if these folks understand the depths to which America has sunk under the current administration and what a criminal enterprise they are dealing with within their own ranks.As with any new position, the new members of Congress will find a difference between perception and reality,lets hope they are capable of taking the necessary steps to get things right.
If there is one place they should investigate obsessively, it is the Nunes gang’s connections to Trump.
Physician, Heal Thyself.
Who needs investigations when ya got Trump tweets to read every day?
Trump’s constantly confessing like a kid who got caught with a hand in the cookie jar.
Trump will eventually tweet his way into jail and out of the WH. Yesterday’s stunt was over every edge.
educate the public…
Good and I hope leadership listens… I agree, must investigate but selectively and with care. As a voter going in whole hog on investigations is one of the surefire ways to get me to say enough is enough vote them out.
It’s a politically safe and altogether appropriate position. In fact, Dems can afford to focus on the legislative agenda that nominally won them the House, and let external events - e.g., Mueller indictments and probable impeachment referral - drive their investigative and oversight activities.
Yeah, not sure what the point is, we can do both, right? Isn’t that what competent people do, multitask?
Unlike Republicans, Democrats can do more than one thing at a time.
Legislate AND Investigate.
WHEN (not IF) the Investigation uncovers illegal conduct, THEN you start talking about IMPEACHMENT. Not before.
On a Parallel track, enact GOOD LEGISLATION and send it to the Senate, then on to the President.
SHOW THE PUBLIC WHAT GOOD GOVERNMENT LOOKS LIKE (because they don’t remember it anymore.)
This obsession with opposing Pelosi as Speaker makes no sense. She’s an effective fund raiser, and effective leader, and the GOP are scared shitless of her. The democrat freshmen need to wise the fuck up.