Discussion: French Far-Left Leader Rallies Thousands Of Macron Critics To Streets

Calling Melenchon “far-left” betrays the author’s “centrist” views. Is it “far-left” to want increased environmental protections? Is it “far-left” to offer an alternative to both the far-right (and I think it’s perfectly justified to call the FN that) and the neo-liberal policies of Macron? Is it “far-left” to oppose the anti-democratic maneuvering of Macron’s decrees?
And then there’s this:

Macron says the change is needed so France can compete in the global economy. Opponents say he is dismantling the French lifestyle.

Oh, those silly far-left opponents of progress! Don’t they know that it’s inevitable that France, despite having one of the most productive work forces in the world, has to join the global race to the bottom, in order to stay alive? Let’s get rid of those silly 6 week vacations, and the 35 hour work week. Why don’t they just accept it, like American workers do: we love no mandatory vacation, no paid family medical leave, and 50 hour work weeks. It’s inevitable, so you they might as get used to it!


I would call the Socialist party the left wing of French Politics. He was part of the left of the socialist party, before founding his own party 10 years ago, call the left party, and then the left front. Yeah, I think it is fair to call him the far-left within french politics. Much as it would be fair to Bernie the far left of American politics.

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The Socialists have been trending right for a few years, much like the Labour Party had been. Would you call Maurice Valls a lefty? That’s why they sucked air in the last election.

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Fascinating to compare Macron the golden boy and Trump the pariah. Macron’s popularity has dropped like a stone to 30%, while trump has managed to hold steady on around 40%+. I would have said the opposition to trump is more vociferous than Macron, but I think that’s only true internationally - the anti-Macron riots in France have been pretty bad.

Macron’s August Harris Poll #'s is at 37%

538’s cumulative #'s has Trump at 39.4% and Gallup’s three day has Trump at 37%.

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Right. But it isn’t august anymore, inversion. His latest poll numbers are now at 30%. I assume that is just a mistake on your part rather than a deliberate attempt to mislead.

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Macron still has a solid majority in the National Assembly and doesn’t even face local elections for several years. Meanwhile, the economy is recovering, the unions are divided and his parliamentary opposition is in tatters.

Want to compare that outlook to Trump’s?

Getting sick of the French not giving Macron a chance. They are so darn impatient and always b*tching. I am French and sometimes it just pisses me off. The far left just had a socialist president who they demonized as well.

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Oh that’s a whole different matter. Macron’s also facing a potentially massive general strike grinding the country to a halt. And he’s less popular than trump

As to the outlook is for 2018 for the repubs, I think way too early to tell. Certainly some don’t think it’s anywhere near as rosy for the Dems as you seem to think

/this is the problem with the far left. They will bitch nonstop about whoever is in power. That’s their real function - not electing leaders, but bitching about the leaders everyone else elects.


I do think Trump got a (maybe short-lived) ratings boost by reaching out to Dems. Partisan gridlock is perhaps the biggest common gripe that U.S. voters have expressed to pollsters.

He’s less popular in France.

Even if G-C was tossed to the side, Trump’s collective problems will still be a lot larger than Macron’s.

he’s attacking those folks, but hey…

from that article

“People do think he’s bringing about change, so it’s hard to say he hasn’t kept his promises,” said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake.

I’m willing to wager a six pack of sodas that none of those folks can name the changes that Trump has bought to the swamp.

In focus groups, most participants say they’re still impressed with Trump’s business background and tend to give him credit for the improving economy. The window is closing, but they’re still inclined to give him a chance to succeed.

same, because should that tax reform package head to the crapper, its going to be amazing to read about Trump voters still being willing to give him a chance.

More than that, no single Democratic attack on the president is sticking — not on his temperament, his lack of accomplishments or the deals he’s touted that have turned out to be less than advertised, like the president’s claim that he would keep Carrier from shutting down its Indianapolis plant and moving production to Mexico.

Yet he’s at 39%.

Participants in battleground-state focus groups said they see that rate as relatively high and the issue in general as being mostly about redistributing money to the poor.

“economic anxiety”

granted, but here’s the thing: this is a guy who is supposedly inexperienced in politics, new to Washington and is supposedly a change agent; and yet he has one of the best NatSec teams around him (when he uses then properly) and he has an astute VP in Pence, but he can’t get to 45% to save his political life.

He has rely on the political version of the ‘World’s Cutest Tag Team’, because the guys who he has entrusted to get the job done, can’t really manage their caucuses votes.

n yet…

I didn’t say his ratings were good. I said they got a boost, which may be short lived, by reaching out to Dems. Two completely different things. You were quibbling over how low they were and whether or not they’d gone down more. I was putting some perspective on that.

The public hates gridlock whether or not they perceive it as their own fault. They generally don’t, however, see it as their fault. They see it as the other guy’s fault. Why? Because they’re human beings and that’s what human beings do.

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Macron’s big thing going for him was that he wasn’t the establishment and he wasn’t Le Pen. We’ll see whether this pulls him back.


Do you think that is what’s happening un US with berniecrats??? I see they are still as rabid as ever and some kind of purity is expected from the candidates that they support. The only candidate is Sanders…they are blinded by him. No question, it’s the cult of personality which is dangerous on either side.

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I certainly think it is.

It’s also indicative of what tore Venezuela apart. If you set the far left against the far right it doesn’t work.

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I think that you can assume that @inversion has never attempted to mislead in his comments.

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Oh, FFS, Comparing France and the US to Venezuela, or MĂŠlenchon and Sanders to Maduro, is silly.

Yes! It has to be a cult of personality, and must have nothing to do with policies. And what´s really scary is that he´s the most popular pol in America; even 16 Senators have drunk the progressive zombie kool aid by endorsing Medicare for all. And you know who first proposed Medicare for all? Do you? Why, that noted Bolshevik, FDR, that´s who!!!

The creeping Red Menace is upon us!! We´re DOOMED!

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