Discussion: French Ambassador Calls Trump A 'Vulture' After Old Paris Tweet Goes Viral

Trump, being called out by he French is fantastic, almost as good as the President swatting him at the correspondent’s dinner.


The French Ambassador was super kind…tRump is a maggot in full form. David Letterman lamented exiting the scene as the orangutan’s offspring declared a presidential run.

OMG, that is so spot-on! I love it! :smile:

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Still waiting for the GOP Congress to give President Obama specific use of force authorization against ISIS, but like typical bullies they prefer to stay on the sidelines sniping while somebody else does the actual dirty work.

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It’s not a stretch to suggest that most of what Trump has done in this campaign season foremost of which is entering it is his version of payback for the president’s very funny and memorable remarks which clearly left Donald sizzling mad.

Then he’s clearly obsessed and has a hugely inflated ego and opinion of himself. Sounds about right really.

If he thinks he’s getting payback by showing the world that the President was right, he’s delusional or psychotic or some abnormality beyond arrogance.

The President mocked him because he wouldn’t quit the birther escapade and it was the right time and the right place. Goofy Trump was had and that’s that. He got ‘slammed’ by a better man.

Obama will end his Presidency reigning on high and go down in history as a great leader and transformational genius. Trump, OTOH, will be mocked accordingly for everything from his trustfund status to his bankruptcies and list of trophy wives to his creepy hairdo and clownish Presidential runs. And, the French are aping him, what a maroon.

No need to insult vultures.

Because the French have strict gun control laws, they are only subject to being shot on the rare occasions that terrorists attack. We with out gun control are subject to being shot at any moment. Count up the bodies over a year or two.
After their experience with Mussolini and Hitler, I doubt the French will ever like Trump.

Vultures are impressive creatures, elegant in their functional design, who play a key role in our ecosystem.

So I get your drift, but he’s hardly a vulture. Perhaps a bottle fly maggot. Or a deadly, infectious virus. A parasite-infested leech. A pustule on a wart hog’s ass.