Discussion: French Ambassador Calls Trump A 'Vulture' After Old Paris Tweet Goes Viral

I wish it was as easy as conservatives think it is to stop these kinds of things. But unfortunately, it is not. Their response is simply “we just need to …”, and the obvious follow up of “How are we going to do that?” is met with crickets, ad-hominem attacks, or another gross simplification.

If it were easy, we would have done it by now. It’s not because so-and-so is weak; it’s because it is a really, really, hard problem.


You know I’ve been watching the coverage of this terrible event on MSNBC, and the media taking heads really are disgusting. They are doing their own fear mongering and how feckless the president’s foreign policy is and he will now be under pressure to do what he said he wouldn’t do; and how the public is definitely going to demand we do what we have to do to defeat them, yada, yada yada.

I believe I heard that one the attackers was born in France and his parents are French.

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If you’re a reasonable thinking person you’d ask how would the political orientation of the person in the White House change anything that went down in France? And what good is a potential American president doing in insulting a American allay of 300 years in the face of a horrific event in their country? Is this how Trump plans to handle these things ( and they’ll happen on his watch too ) and will he take the heat for it or whine that the media is not being fare?

Ann Coulter said the events in Paris “just elected Donald Trump”. No, Trump will never be elected but Ill bet ISIS would love to see him be.


He said this today in Beaumont TX.

“When you look at Paris — you know the toughest gun laws in the world, Paris — nobody had guns but the bad guys. Nobody had guns. Nobody,” Trump said at a rally here. “They were just shooting them one by one and then they (security forces) broke in and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists.”

“You can say what you want, but if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry –” Trump said, pausing as the crowd erupted into raucous applause, “– it would’ve been a much, much different situation.”


That’s disgustingly not surprising.

I suspect Trump is not well educated other than in real estate development and related areas, so he might not know much about history (couldn’t resist) and certainly not of the support in troops and soldiers the French gave us 300 years ago.


Their thinking is dangerously simplistic. “We are just, they are evil, and we’re gonna kick their ass, problem solved!” Their version of peace through strength, with little thought about its consequences, no analysis, no exit plan in place, makes any solution much, much harder to achieve, in contrast to their claim it’s easy. Very unfortunately, this line of simplistic thinking politically sells. This is one of those very complex issues that should demand far more nuanced debates, but our politics does not allow for it. Even after the Iraq War.


Love the responses, they are all stellar and appropriate, because, after all the Donald said it!

The people labeled as “conservatives” are Reactionaries, primarily thinking emotionally and usually ignorant, old and fearful.

The Reactionary Talking Heads are people either ignorant of history and geography or TOLD to act and sound ignorant so as to provoke fear and anxiety. They are shameless, but it pays well.

The Talking Heads provoke fear…and

  • Old Fearful people vote (usually for idiots pandering to every conceivable fear of Granny and Gramps)

  • Young fearful people amuse themselves and retreat into fantasy (check out what sells on screen
    and on the Tube: sports and mythical/science fiction/combo stuff)

The NeoCons are literally cackling with glee, and while
maybe not outright saying it, just listen for the dog whistles, thinking
“this is the best thing that could have happened.”


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Así que es muy cierto, mi amigo

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Chammy, I took a chance and repeated what my daughter told me about what some of the younger kids are thinking.

THE LOGIC USED BY THE PROGRESSIVES IN THIS COUNTRY IS NEARLY ALL WRONG. They seldom give people hope, just handwringing. Some Progressive sites I do not read anymore because its all Doom and Gloom. I may have told you before, but people like you and Darr gave me hope about the 2012 election. I was not posting then, but I so admired the spunk of people like you two, Plucky and others.

The Doolittle Raid in 1942 was done to provoke the over-reactionary Japanese into error…BUT it also gave the United States people HOPE…something that Progressive writers seldom do (and I am beginning to sense a March of Dimes syndrome…e.g. when the March of Dimes no longer had Polio to champion, they needed a new cause…Progressive writers need Doom and Gloom.)


(for example)

The people that wish to energize people about Climate Change,instead of saying that The End IS Here because of the admittedly abundant data showing this to be true INSTEAD say the following:

“Americans, we have a serious crisis and we have a lot of work to do. The data show that we have serious challenges which will require effort and disaster awaits us if we do not act. HOWEVER, WE HAVE ALREADY DONE A GREAT DEAL WHICH, IF IT HAD NOT BEEN DONE, WE WOULD MOST LIKELY HAVE BEEN PAST THE TIPPING POINT. So we have MADE AN IMPORTANT STEP. Let’s give ourselves some congratulations and continue the task at hand.”


He is a vulture.

Great idea, allow open carry for heavy metal concerts and sporting events.

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As is the case with most people, you are generally not judged on any one aspect of your career but your body of work. That borderline psychos like trump have a mouldering corpse as their body of work can be verified by reviewing the outlandish nonsensical things he says on nearly a daily basis. He makes the Wasilla imbecile seem downright chock full of wisdom and decorum.

When making this kind of case, does it ever occur to the geniuses that in 2015,long past the days of Tucson and Deadwood. millions of people are not interested in participating in a gun battle while going about their daily life?Addressing the root causes of gun violence would likely produce better results than promoting make my day reprisals for every parking space dispute or line cut at the local ATM.Trump represents an ugly side of America that refuses to tackle one of the most serious issues of our time…how to stop Americans from killing each other with guns,often indiscriminately, on a daily basis.


They’re appealing to American Christians and their persecution complex.
“Good Christian? Islam is going to kill you.”
Slime bags all!

The French have a word for that, vautour. He is truly an opportunistic carnival barker grabbing all the attention he can get until the sideshow leaves town.

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Donald who’s shielded by a team of bodyguards is about as cowardly a man as has ever run for any office. He’s seen Deadwood or films about the OK Corral shootout (both in the 19th century BTB) and seems to think they can be enacted in a European capital by a civilized people who are horrified at this country’s love affair with guns…

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Yep. All the hostages would have been dead.

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