Discussion: Fred Trump Is Our Posthumous Duke Of The Week

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Too bad Trump supporters can’t read or think. Even if they did, they couldn’t connect the NYT article with their savior due to their mental disconnect of reason.


Donald Trump will probably go to his grave without ever having to answer for any of these crimes.

The only consolation is that his children will probably end up selling used Buicks in Hoboken. The other comforting thought is that history will correctly view him as a conman.


A condom could have saved us from all this catastrophic downfall of America.
a $1.00


Marty and Wendy Byrd from “Ozark” were running
All County Building Supply & Maintenance?

Who knew?


Which makes me wonder to the Trump kids and cousins have a Trust Fund? I’m sure as hell don’t believe that Donnie set anything up for his kids with his money.


Fair enough. Even though I was rooting for Donald after his Mississippi performance (but he’d always be a winner, wouldn’t he?), the posthumous award to Fred is entirely meritorious. Good choice!



But I don’t hear much about the mother of Donnian, the devil spawn. Except that they shared the same kind of hair. Maybe there was something wrong with her. Ya think?


He transferred property at below value to the kids before inauguration. I’m sure those money laundering skills have been passed down to them as well.


A real complex story made not only easy to read, but funny too - were it not for the fact that I’m crying for my country all the time!


Trump supporters just view all this fraud and tax evasion as “business smarts.” After all, there’s nothing in the “Ten Commandments” about paying your taxes or conducting business ethically. Besides, “family values”!!


I nominate Collins for next week.


They don’t care either.


As our host, Josh Marshall, has recently commented: When it comes to what has been working well for the Repuglicans, and movement conservatism generally, is breaking the rules and aggression.

Fred and his progeny, flirtations with Nazism and white nativism aside, were and are clearly more venally corrupt than ideological, fitting this essential profile of anti-democratic scofflaw like a glove: Fils Benedict Donald didn’t have to ‘take over’ the post-Nixon Republican party, it was built for him.

If the nation is to reform and sustain democracy it is going to have to be tougher on its Freds and that definitely includes serious revisions to estate, trust, and corporate law. The problem is how to get there when the Freds are dominant.


Agreed, they don’t; but also they do. Hannah Arendt described the apparent paradox of a mob’s wilful ignorance and cynicism in the development of fascist propaganda ca 1930’s Germany viz

Mass propaganda discovered that the audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness. (Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism.)
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It’s impossible to shame a republican or a Trump. Pointing out how horrible they are means nothing to them or their deplorable base. They don’t care how they win (lie, cheat, steal), they only want power/money at any cost. Democrats need to vote in massive numbers, take over Congress and block everything Trump wants to do. Short of that, nothing matters.


“family values” has always been adopted by those with no morals.

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Except that Fred Trump would never ever use one.

I would phrase it slightly differently. I would say that “family values” have most often been trumpeted most loudly by those who don’t really have values that extend beyond their families, and in support of all sorts of despicable positions relative to other people. For me, it now has such a poor association that when I hear it, it makes my skin crawl, almost no matter who says it.


No wonder young people don’t bother to vote. They see all this (if they can even stand to look) and feel that nothing will change. The worst aren’t held accountable. I wish Mueller would make an announcement TODAY!