Discussion for article #242412
To me, he will always be the guy who flips a quarter to the newstand operator to buy a paper like it’s 1975–“Right, Jessie???”–while schilling for reverse mortgages.
You call that “public service”?
He was doing the AAG insurance for reverse mortgages and the guy looked like he could barely walk, I thought he looked more like 80
Sad thing is, me too. I always thought that was sort of a demeaning shot at “hippie types” with the alternative look Jessie had.
Fact is, Thompson had a pretty amazing life.
Sympathy to his family, I am sure they will miss him. I frankly don’t remember him and probably could say I hadn’t really ever heard of him until he started the reverse mortgage ads. All I could think of then was the incomplete messages and phony promises he was making to the elderly who were already struggling to keep their homes. Shill for the big money makers. Rather like Joe Scarbourgh, Who???
Neat guy. I would not have voted for him, but I think he would have been a good President, as he seemed to play well with others, and he seemed to have a good bit of iron in his spine.
I will always remember him as the guy who singlehandedly ruined my favorite show.
That’s too young or, not old enough maybe, to go.
Frickin’ cancer, it is truly non-partisan.
If only Reagan had never propelled his acting talents into becoming POTUS, we’d all still be painting our white picket fences and looking forward to our pensions and retirement.
We met in '97 while he was still a Senator. New Orleans in late September or early October. I caught up to him just outside Cafe du Monde, and found him to be extremely approachable and gracious. He had no body guards or anything, just walking alone with one of his interns. We talked politics for a bit, and then his intern offered to take pics if I had a camera with me. I did, and she did. I still have them.
RIP, Sir.
Richard’s White Playhouse?
If you refer to the one and only original Law and Order, nothing could ruin that show, not even the untimely death of Jerry Orbach!
To me, he’ll always be the airport honcho in Die Hard 2: “Stack 'em, pack 'em, and rack 'em.”
Pensions? What a quaint concept. I guess you’re not up to speed on current thinking. Pensions are what prevent job creators from enjoying their yachts and their mistresses, comrade.
Draft Fred 2016!
Quick. Before the body goes too cold.
Geez he was great.
“If only” was meant to cover that, compadre.