Discussion: France's Bastille Day Emits American Patriotism With Warm Embrace Between Trump, Macron

Donnie, moved by emotion, groped for the proper words…


Poor PO(tu)S. His planned photo op didn’t even get coverage. Networks are too busy reporting on Dim Son’s attorney’s admission that 5th and 6th persons were in room for meeting with Russians.


Karma really has it in for the Drumpfie Crime Family recently, eh?


Karma’s a bitch and they are her litter


So, Macron teaching Trump what it is to be an American?


In 1970, my wife and I stayed in a hotel that looked out on l’Etoile, the circle that contains the Acrt de Triomphe. We were there on July 4th, and when we awoke that morning there was a huge American flag hanging from the Arc, in place of the French one normally hung. That afternoon, a parade of French troops marched up and took formation in the arch. A band played several tunes including the Star Spangled Banner. It was a wonderful symbol of the friendship between our two nations.

I applaud Pres. Macron for reaching out to Trump. A true sacrifice for his nation, for Europe and the world.


Lost cause.

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It is quite appropriate to celebrate the US of A’s freedom creed on Bastille Day.

No matter how our rich Republucan rulers want to avoid it, the heads that fell on and after Bastille day did so because those now-headless rulers deceived and exploited The People.

It may not be a guillotine this time around, but if the same pattern that led to those executions persists as it seems to be doing right now, there will be some sort of hell to pay for those who perpetrated the deception and exploitation.

The People will simply turn against them.

Especially their own angry mob.

I wonder whether Merkel and Macron have intentionally adopted a sort of good-cop-bad-cop partnership in dealing with Trump. Merkel is the more authoritarian, rest-of-the-world-must-move-on voice, while Macron is more cajoling, more willing to appeal to Trump’s massive ego to keep him from going off the rails and going full Putin.


Trump’s grandfather was a pimp and German draft dodger, both traits he passed along to his grandson. If Trump was president then he would have locked up his grandfather as being an enemy alien after the German government sank the Lusitania. I’m sure all this parade did was stoke his desire for something similar on Pennsylvania Avenue, which he was denied at his inaugural. I’d advocate for such a parade after he suffers a traitor’s death, TrumpTower is seized and turned into a homeless shelter, and the rest of his family is imprisoned or have fled to Moscow to reside in Kim Philby’s former residence.

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That G-20 imagery was embarrassing to all of us.

On stage with all those professional politicians, Trump’s a doofus real estate clown surrounded by REAL sharks, he’s like a lonely lemming out on the open tundra, exposed to some of the most powerful and personally proficient raptors in the world.

Trump’s an amateur to them, an ill-elected pretender on his own imaginary throne, and they will turn him into a hysterical historical footnote in the history books of the future that aren’t printed in Texas, they will turn Trump into a permanent, perpetual political joke.

He’s so far out of his league, these people will play him for such a fool, Trump will think himself their prince.

This is precious.


Well, he got his military parade

Macron also said that the U.S. and France are firm friends and “this is why nothing, not even an orange idiot in the White House, will ever separate us.”

Had to fix that one…

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The two mean shook hands and embraced, then clasping their hands together for a while before Trump was whisked away in his motorcade.

Chiselin’ Trump is anxious to return to US soil, where he can resume badmouthing France and Paris from a safe distance.