Discussion: France Strikes Back Against Islamic State Sites In Syria

Discussion for article #242870

With the air superiority being completely one-sided, how is IS (or Daesh) able to maintain any supply-lines?


I had hoped for a more measured response from the French government as opposed to immediately escalating their bombing.

This would have been the time to build coalitions from the goodwill and sympathies of allies-- to gameplan for a response. From this reaction-- I’m expecting more of the same in a cycle of rapidity that will now be difficult to break.



I would love to see videos of the bombing.

One would think people or governments would take heed to the choices America made soon after 9/11.

Maybe not.


As I said on another thread … I would not want the French pissed at me.


When a group with a known headquarters claims responsibility for something like this, what do they expect will happen?


The various government s are talking face to face right now in Turkey at the G-20 summit. This morning I saw video of Obama and Putin deep in conversation. I am sure someone from France is there as well so the conversations are happening. I doubt they will be publicized. Less than two weeks from now there will be a major meeting in Paris meant originally to be about the environment but nevertheless leaders will be meeting face to face.
I completely understand the French anger


So you think they’d still be at HQ?
I’d bet not.



An appropriate response but now it’s time to dig in and go after the leaders hard and fast.
Cut off the head of the snake and the snake dies.


Heads of government, finance ministers and central bank governors, employment and labour ministers are meeting face-to-face.

IMO there was time to take this into deeper consideration than having escalated in the first 36 hours.
But sure, the G-20 leaders (or some subset) could have made the decision as a group that an immediate airstrike was the best idea.

I don’t see this choice as having BHO’s influence imprinted.


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The West really has no choice. It’s either massive bombing or a lot of boots on the ground. If the West puts boots on the ground, there are going to be a lot of casualties and then there is the Russians to deal with. Seems to me that massive bombing is a more logical choice. One can be sure that if the Russians retaliate for the downed passenger jet they will be much less concerned with collateral damage. Personally, if there are going to be casualties, I would rather they be their civilians rather than our soldiers. We have lost enough already.

Thank you George Bush for lighting this candle, all of this can be laid at your feet.

Some very tough choices are going to have to be made in order to get rid of ISIS.


I’m sure the French Action Service is already in play. Interesting to note that Hollande declared a state of emergency. Quite different than the U. S. president declaring an emergency. French Constitution gives the President almost dictatorial powers during a state of emergency.

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As time has passed intelligence has been gathered. I bet Mr Baghdadi has gone to ground somewhere other than Raqqa. One of the characteristics of this outfit is its decentralization. The problem is… you can bomb buildings into rubble and then bomb the rubble again but you can’t bomb ideas. I saw video just now of ISIS thugs pointing knives at the lens and threatening the sane part of humanity. They are heavy into blood drunk madness.Sad to say this will be getting far uglier before it gets resolved. There was a window for a political solution in Syria but those thugs have slammed it shut. Those ISIS guys want …no …crave Armageddon in Dabiq. They want to go toe to toe with the American military and lose down to almost the last man and then they expect god to intervene… on their side. They have stated this publicly.


Me neither. I think this was for home consumption reasons.
I fully expect to wake up tomorrow to some very ugly news. Don’t know what it will be but my “feelers” are all ajangle right now that real soft shit is being flung at a high speed fan.
about an hour after my initial “ajangle” comment above I am hearing on CNN that police raids are occurring all over France


I hope France was able to do some severe damage to ISIS’s evil ass!

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Heard something interesting earlier on CNN. Statement was made that these targets were already on the day’s bombing list (list drawn up and amended on a rotating basis), and that France was assigned the job at French request. Way for an already planned raid to be used by Hollande to show that France is responding quickly.


Then selecting Paris as a target was not the first best choice to engage the US directly.

Perhaps Hollande (and advisers) had predetermined this response-- well in advance.
I just don’t see a bombardment of 20 bombs as an overwhelming response-- the type of which you would have expected as rapid retaliation.

The jets launched from sites in Jordan and the Persian Gulf, in coordination with U.S. forces.

The level of coordination will be the telltale.
And yeah, I think you are probably correct in assuming there may be more to come by day break UTC+02:00


We here in the States must keep our own christianists/dominionists on a short leash during all of this. These fuckers will stop at nothing to see to it that ISIS gets just what it wants. Israel’s right-wing must be creaming in their shorts.


Baby Jane Bachmann is feverishly fingering herself, fantasizing about Armageddon and the cRapture.