Discussion: France Gunman Pledges Loyalty To ISIL In Posthumous Video

Discussion for article #231898

It would take a considerable amount of sacrifice for the media, but the best response to these videos and tragedies is to deny the terrorists the fame and attention they get. Instead of non-stop headlines with their faces and names, the events could be detailed in somber tones against a screen of pictures of the victims.

Each time we speak the name of the terrorist organizations and flash pictures of the terrorists we give them more recruiting power. Instead of killing them they should be put to work cleaning up the mess, some type of employment in a prison where they can earn money and have it all sent to the victims. We need to cleanse the glamor and glory of these events and turn around and pay homage to the victims.

Unless of course you are Lindsay Graham and he would like a full blown tantrum from Obama, to what end I don’t know. Terror is terror whether perpetrated by the NRA and their guns or fanatical religion.

Ignore it so it will go away?
You are at war and refuse to see it.

A little research is in order.

These islamic savages have been doing this for 1400 years and have no intention of stopping until there is Dar Al islam.
Then they slaughter those not islamic enough.
I think the 5000+ death count per month worldwide by these 7th century barbarians is far in excess of any you might attribute to the NRA.
And what massacres have they perpetrated as of late?