Does anybody else have the feeling that somebody stole Todd’s binky and he’s really, really upset about it?
So he’s openly admitting that Fox is not fair and balanced and is only there to support conservatives?
Also, how is that question to Gov. Walker a disgusting question? If you have policy positions that would create that unfortunate (yet all too real) hypothetical, you should be taken to task about them.
I continue to be amazed by John Hodgeman’s versatility. This has to be one of his best characters ever. He plays it just right so you actually start to believe that this “Todd Starnes” fellow could actually exist in 2015 America.
The question isn’t disgusting at all. What’s disgusting is that the GOP promotes the real life situation that requires such a question to be asked.
Yeah, but if he is any kind of decent red-blooded American heterosexual (by choice, of course) male, then he would have been totally smitten with her l-o-n-g stroll from her anchor chair all … the … way … to … the … numbers crunchers’ desk. Short skirt, long, luscious legs on a bottle-blonde, pretty white woman – I mean, that’s pretty much every male FOX Entertainment watcher’s pocket rocket fuel … right?
This guy fills the ecological niche at Fox News that is occupied by pond scum in the real world.
I can always count on you, Sniffit, to improve and expand my vocabulary.
That’s ridiculous. Everyone knows that women have two purposes. And by being pregnant she obviously served one of them.
"Would you really let a mother die rather than have an abortion?” Are you freaking kidding me?
No, Todd, Megyn wasn’t kidding.
Would you like to answer that question? Because when we talk about choice, that might be the choice that a pregnant woman, and perhaps her family, too, have to make.
Now, let that sink in through your little bubble of indignant “are you kidding me” righteousness.
Because, sometimes, for some conservatives, the only moral abortion is the one they’re free to choose.
If the Republican candidate for President can’t answer every single one of these questions in a way that appeals to a majority of voting Americans (5 out of 6 of whom favor exceptions for rape/incest/life of mother, and a majority of whom favor same sex marriage, etc.), they will get crushed in the general election. Conservatives should be thanking Megyn Kelly for not throwing up a load of softball questions – instead, they are mostly throwing up, like the rest of us are at the abysmal performance of the 10 GOP hopefuls.
Hubris can be very ugly. And that’s the one thing every single GOP candidate with a sliver of a chance has, in overabundant supply. That these questions even need to be asked is a sad reflection of just how far to the right the GOP has moved. George Wallace and charter members of the John Birch Society would feel right at home in today’s GOP. What was once fringe is now mainstream. Sigh.
Megs choses to lie down with dogs and gets paid a shitton of money to do it. I really don’t give a rat’s ass if she wakes up covered in flea bites.
I agree. This is not exactly Chris Christie verbally abusing a female high school teacher who earns, what? 40-50K a year for putting up with a boatloads of shit.
Well, not to mention the fact that she could afford to pay this noname radio shitstain enough to wash her car with a toothbrush with a single week’s salary.
Hey fellas and gals, this is the old conservative, Todd Starnes saying, how’s about that debate last night?
See how chipper and upbeat I am despite myself and my politics? That’s why we conservatives must stick together. What else do we have if not each other against this cold indifferent world. And besides, it’s safer that way. Vigilance Vigilantes!¡!¡
Megyn Kelly is an Ailes’ owned turdburgler and Todd Starnes a laughable shit stain. Both are simply Rightwing corporate fecal matter in the great Rightie and FOX cesspool. (*Sorry! I did torture that metaphor to death…but it fits FOX and it’s echo-chamber minions so well.)
I wouldn’t be surprised if Roger Ailes allowed Starnes’ tepid attack to take place so FUX News could appear “Fair & Balanced” after Kelly’s soft ball “anti-conservative”??? pitches last evening to Trump, Walker and Rubio.
Poor Starnes…a face made for radio. Sorry Todd, you’ll never be able to match her salary. You don’t have the hair or physical “presence.” …essentially. Don’t wait for Ailes’ call.
"The moderators of the GOP debate Thursday night at the Quicken Loans arena gave Donald Trump plenty of rope – and sure enough he hanged himself. Right out of the box, the candidates were asked to pledge their support to whomever ultimately wins the GOP nomination; the only hold-out was Trump, who refused to make that commitment and who elicited boos from the audience.
Later, in response to a sharp question from Megyn Kelly about his history of calling women “fat pigs” and “slobs,” Trump argued that the big problem with the country was political correctness. He concluded, “If you don’t like it Megyn, too bad; you haven’t been very nice to me.” Bad decision, Donald."
Much of the Republicans’ and especially the RNC and the party’s Big Bosses’ desire for Trump to wither and die and just go away is simply wishful thinking. Whatever anyone might think about how well Donald Trump did in Thursday night’s Republican Primary debate, there is NO question The Donald is winning the most important part of the process: the post debate spin . The droning and continuous narrative on almost all the morning shows and through the day have centered primarily around how Fox News was gunning to take out Trump. If anything, debate co-moderator Megyn Kelly is still taking the most damaging post-debate hits.
“Hanged himself”! …We’ll see when the more comprehensive polls open. Trumps sheople followers have shown quite solidly that they won’t abandon him, and that fact makes him very scary to the GOP establishment…no matter their desire for him to ‘hang himself.’
He’s actually right about one thing
The hard hitting questions (you know ones that FOX and the GOP are most terrified were not even asked
- Climate Change
- candidates ideas about replacing ObamaCare
- candidates proporsals of how to proceed in Iran
- Economic Inequality
- Voting rights
you know some of the thing s that would have exposed them to be the same fools that Starnes is!
I hate to burst the man’s bubble, but that cat has been unleashed long ago! So there really is no need for any masking…in fact, I love the frankness that’s coming from all of the GoPers…hahahaha!