Another stooge to blow Trump.
Howie, if saying something ridiculous meant he was just pulling a Poe, then his whole flipping campaign has been one tediously long Poe.
At least he’s spinning his horse shit from Fox News now and doesn’t have the veneer of respectability that his role covering politics for the Washington Post used to give him.
Trump was not being sarcastic in that statement, he was completely serious, as any reasonable observer would think. He followed it up with a tweet saying the same thing. It wasn’t a mistake, he meant it…and he’s trying to walk it back by conflating these emails, the DNC emails, and “sarcasm”. Odds are his fans will buy it. This is the second prong, where it becomes “media outrage” instead of outrage by experts across the spectrum.
We’ll see if the media backs off, or if they keep pursuing what is a serious breech of ethics and decorum, as well as possible influence on our election by a foreign government.
anyone know the color of the Kool-Aid they’re passing out?
“To believe that the Republican nominee was dead serious in urging an adversary of the United States to commit or complete an act of espionage against his Democratic opponent is to believe that Trump is clinically insane,” Kurtz wrote.
Are we talking about the same Trump who has proposed:
(1) Banning all Muslims from entering the country;
(2) Building a wall on the Mexican border;
(3) Suspending the Geneva Convention, and instituting torture as an official U.S. policy?
'Nuff said.
BTW, the initial response of Trump’s own campaign was not that he was being sarcastic. It was that Trump meant that if Russia already had the e-mails, they should turn them over.
Hey Kurtz, was Trump being “Obviously Sarcastic” when he said: 'Yes. We will look into that" when asked if he would “Recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea and remove the sanctions imposed because of their invasion of it?”
Crickets. Crickets. Crickets.
Ignorant + oblivious = Fox News
To believe that the Republican nominee was dead serious … is to believe that Trump is clinically insane,” Kurtz wrote.
Of course.
Kurtz follows the nut job parade with a shovel, broom, and can cleaning up “waste.”
He noted that most “professional politicians avoid sarcasm” so they don’t become embroiled in situations like this, but that Trump “delights in it.” Kurtz said. Well, then I say, give the doofus what he wants. And then some class.
Not sure about the color, but the flavor is Blue.
Agreed. Kurtz is perhaps the worst apologist propagandist working right now. Personally, I would prefer he not be working at all, but reducing him to Fox has at least stripped him of pretending to have credibility.
He is one of those guys who, if I ever met, I would have to strain my will power to stop from reflexively kicking him between the legs.
Sarcastic? What is he being sarcastic about? Russia is certainly capable of hacking, and the hacking actually occurred.
Didn’t Howie Kurtz used to have a shred of integrity, or am I confusing him with George Stephanopolous?