Discussion: Fox's Kilmeade Asks If He's Watching 'Univision' While Talking Spanish Speaking Dems

The World’s Least Interesting Man doesn’t always recognize tectonic demographic change. But when he does, he laughs nervously and makes fun of it like a snot-nosed teenage punk.


Univision/Telemundo…Fox/MSNBC…it’s all the same, don’t you know? Especially when in Spanish. Because we know all Latinos are the same, without an ounce of diversity.


The ex Sweetwater Fl Councilman
Little Marco , you putz


No Genuine frontier gibberish


Hmm, Mr. Hoffeler, now deceased, was rigging the census for districts that would benefit “non-Hispanic whites”, so some Hispanics are white. I guess you meant W.A.S.P.

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Actually one can speak from the sitting position so I’ll go with “Stifle it Edith!”

There is a serious question that needs to be answered.


Why the fuck should we care about what Brian Kilmeade says?


Pretty difficult to learn two Romance languages as ‘second languages’. They are so close, and yet so different, that you will mix them up. Stay with one, it’s easier.

Oh, thank Goodness. Rubio here to tell us his amazing strategic plans that worked so well four years ago. You remember, when he decided he would be the one to stand up to trump and that plan lasted all of 10 seconds.

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"Fox News- getting out the vote for Democrats! I bet they all think Gilligan’s Island was a documentary, too.

Register people to vote. Run for office. Get people to the polls. It is your ONLY defense against these crooks, traitors and grifters- and the cable channel who champions them.


" In the next 20 years, still in MY lifetime, minorities will become the majority. There isn’t a thing you can do about it. So sit down and shut up, in that order."

dunno. shut up and sit down works just fine for me.

I object to my tax dollars being used for coconut-based technology research!

Racist Moron says What?

The only Language that Brian Kilmeade understands;

The best way to learn any language is full immersion. Go live there (Spain, Italy, wherever) for 6 months to a year and do NOT speak your native tongue. You’ll pick up the local lingo pretty quick.

They really do believe, without question, totally unself-consciously and without the slightest apprehension that maybe just maybe they’re wrong, that this is a country that god (who of course unquestioningly exists and is a white male) intended to be run by and for straight white conservative Christian anglo men, as his most favored country, and that anyone who disrespects, challenges or ignores this is some sort of troublemaking deviant.

Their brains are literally that malformed and poorly developed that this isn’t just what they believe or choose to believe, but what they KNOW to be the one and only truth, just like how people once KNEW that the earth was flat and 6000 years old and that the sun went around it every day. I don’t know whether to loath or pity them.

You can’t cure imbecile.

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We shouldn’t. But apparently TPM has a Fux Newz beat and Ms.Lafond probably drew the short straw this morning.

Dumm macht frei…

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This is like dinosaurs complaining about those small furry mammals scampering about, getting in their way.

It’s the 21st Century. I think.

Fun fact:

After the 1858 Lincoln Douglas debate in Quincy, IL, members of both parties gathered to hear even more speeches.

“The courthouse was ‘literally jammed with people’ to hear three more Republican speeches . . . The second of these speeches was “in the German language.”