Discussion for article #231324
No matter how you slice it but this woman is just plain dumb.
Dumb witch.
Replace the W with a B.
Once again, Obama was clearly the adult in the room. There is no way at all the President spent more than 5 seconds thinking about Ms. Kelly’s comment. But of course she thinks she is so important that he would. It is also indicative that, despite the fact Ms. Kelly spews anti-Obama crap all the time, she did not hesitate to accept an invitation to the White House.
She typically doesn’t need more than 10 seconds in front of the camera to embarrass herself.
Translation: “Math is hard.”
I will actually give her a bit of credit. Her story suggests that she was embarrassed for coming across as if she were taking a shot at the President at his Christmas party. I think a significant portion of rethuglicans would intentionally insult the President at his Christmas party and would feel proud of themselves for doing so.
I don’t believe she was “joking” about her and her husband. She WAS talking about Republicans once again living in HER people’s house. The fact that she built an explanation in her head that explains the President’s reaction is indicative that he probably “got it” and it embarrassed her that he just looked at her like he had no idea what she meant, so she played it up as she’s a bad joke teller.
She messed up a joke delivery. Not nearly as fatal as the trash she delivers on a daily basis at that dumping ground called Fox News, which it ain’t.
Go ahead Megyn, tell President Obama and the First Lady that “Santa is white”. Go ahead.
Republicans Aren’t Funny. Exhibit Z.
Also see: Dennis Miller
I think she claimed that Jesus was white.
The true truth will never be known… And we will all be left to endlessly ponder just what did Megyn Kelly mean by that “joke?” Or, more likely, we will all entirely forget this story once the headline is removed from TPM’s front page.
Proof that Thuglicans have limited sense of humour:
No Thuglican equivalent for Eustace…
someone actually wears a dress with a cleavage window? Who designed it, DC comics?
Thanks. I was baffled by the dress as well.
She claimed both Santa and Jesus are/were white.
Yeah, looks like Kelly was wearing her “Respect Me for My Mind” outfit that day.
She probably blew Roger Ailes to get her job so why should we be surprised she blew a joke at a party.
And Santa… Technically the fictional Santa Claus was created by whites (Sinterklaas was quite white), and I’d say that makes him white. He is also pretty socialist.
As to Jesus, I get tired of people saying he was “black” or “white”. We know where he came from, the guy was clearly “brown”. He did not have pale skin, nor did he have a fro’.
She also embarrassed herself by wearing her dress backwards.