Discussion: Fox's Jesse Watters Asks Women's Conference Attendee To Feel His Bicep (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #224572

"If you had looked like Megyn Kelly, maybe they would have let it slide," Watters told Fox's Bill O'Reilly Monday night when the host suggested that he should have gone himself.

Wait, he’s saying the National Organizational for Women would want a good looking woman to cover instead of a man? Is he suggesting that NOW members are all lesbians?

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These guys are like teenage boys trying to start shit because they feel it’s macho.


I don’t see this as any different than TDS’ Jason Jones showing up at the RNC convention to ask where he can sign up to help fight in the war on women just to see their stunned reaction.

And we already knew FOX wanted to be more like Comedy Central… they just have to work on finding funnier people.


Of course they’re a REAL news organization. I don’t know anyone can take these clowns serious – BillO included.

One of these days he’s gonna try that adolescent shit on somebody who doesn’t feel like indulging him, and he’s gonna get his ticket punched.


I think they refused him because he was obnoxious. Just a guess.


I hadn’t known about Jones’ segment, but I was just about to comment how this totally seems like a Daily Show bit, which just shows what a joke Fox has become.

I mean, not that they were ever a real news org, but at this point, they’re just a bad parody of themselves; as evidenced by them rehashing segments that parody bad news and not even being good at that…


I was blissfully unaware of this person’s existence until today, and I’ve got to say this is Howard-Stern-level stuff. Just juvenile and pathetic.


Such a vivid demonstration that their understanding of women is really off the mark (outreach much?)



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Could have been Jason, could have been John Oliver… but you saw the same thing I did… it just seemed like a comedy bit for a supposed “news” program.

If he asked her to feel anything else, he and Faux News could be charged with solicitation. I’m hoping he’s was trained as an O’Reilly intern. The Vice Squad would have him.

Why is it that conservative males are always forcing themselves on women who can’t stand them?

Can we buy this guy a sense of humor? Does he think he’s hilarious?

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another “little” boy trying to show off his deflated manhood . . .

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Bill O’Reilly’s annual cardiopulmonary resuscitation practice. Didn’t go to well. The ladies were too much of a real thing for Bill’s little monkey.

What. A. Tool.
Typical FOX News moron that he is, he doesn’t even use the English language properly.
Case in point: “I want to fight in the war on women. Where do I sign up for that?” He thinks it’s snark. It is the opposite.
So, you WANT to participate IN the “War on Women”? Fight FOR it?
What a dipshit.

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I would make a large contribution to N.O.W. if Ireland had kicked him in his crotch.


Kind off topic, but one arm contains two biceps. Bicep should only be used in the singular if you’re specifically referring to one half of the muscle pair.

This guy is the loser in high school that no one wanted to hang out with.