Discussion for article #231437
Oh my.
Thin skinned much Hannity?
His colleagues forgot to mention that the only thing shorter than Mr. Potato Head’s wurlitzer, is his fuse.
Whenever TPM covers FOX news God kills a kitten.
Worst or, if you like, the very best at being terrible.
I think he did use the word “CONCHA.” I really doubt it was a typo.
He shares that characteristic with Chris Christie (among others)
FOX is no longer available on DISH network. Strange, I don’t seem to miss it. After all, it’s not as if we lost a source of news and information.
Short tempered little spoiled brat it seems.
Cueing: Mr. Stewart
This is going to be hilarious. lol lol lol
Nothing says ‘fun’ more to Mr. Potato Head than his colleagues calling him the worst thing about his network.
Nail, meet Head. What a douche.
It was your COLLEAGUES who voted you the worst…
Strange how he’s using the dead cops in a tweet that has nothing to do with them.
This space could have been used to publish something that the Congressional Progressive Caucus said. Did you even know there was one? Such as it is…
His temper is likely a result of him being beltwhipped by his dad when he was young, and subsequently never coming to terms with it.
Somebody needs too make a niblet festooned crown for " Innanity King of the Fox Stools"
Looks like someone hit the “Delete” button.
Guess it never happened, then right?
Oh, EVERYTHING is all about these douche nozzles – like the idiot who says Colbert needs to write them “an eight-figure check” for providing him with material all these years!
“This was a survey of your colleagues…”
LOLOLOLOLOL!!! He’s like a douchebaggery singularity…all alone at the nadir of the industry.
One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever doooooo…
I thought he was legally barred from using IMHO, since he has no H.