Discussion: Fox's Gretchen Carlson Backs Assault Weapons Ban After Orlando Shooting (VIDEO)

And will add that she could never vote for HRC.


It’s progress.


If it can happen to Jake and Elwood…


Interesting that Carlson did not reference one of her gods, Ronnie Reagan, who also came out quite strong against assault weapons. Of course to mention that connection would be pure blasphemy to Fox viewers so she couched it as a just agreeing with Obama.


I really think that until a mass shooting happens at one of the conservative cathedrals, there will be no change.

The irony of gun control is that, most often, it’s the conservatives who are armed. So when they get pissed, they go kill lots of unarmed liberals.

Whereas pissed off liberals seem to be more in tune with smoking a joint.

That’s why nothing ever happens. If it was NRA children lying in a bloodbath, you better believe we’d have gun control in a second.


George Carlin:

“Details at eleven.”


To get some actual legislative change, sensible gun owners need to be peeled away from the corporate funded NRA. Once upon a time, the NRA was synonymous with gun safety and education, not Ted Nugent and his pack of libertarian, fear mongering bigots.

We need an organization that takes up that mantle of education, teaches safety classes, lobbies for appropriate gun legislation, such as banning these murder machines, provides an alternative ideological home for those who enjoy the shooting sports, and gives political cover to the right wing quislings who refuse to vote to protect their constituents from mass casualties by gunfire.

There are some issues that should never be negotiable for Democrats, such as reducing Social Security or restricting women’s reproductive rights. I don’t believe that even a significant minority of Democrats believe that all guns should be banned. (I haven’t seen any polling data on it, so I could be wrong, but that’s my impression.)

This is an area where we need to reach out and expand the tent.


The Same Ronnie who let the parents of the Orlando shooter in the U.S…


I have always sought out, and secured, optional employment before going full monty —

Hope she made plans —

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To her credit, she never seemed fully bought in or on message with the FOX/NRA/Dead-Enders. She, rightfully, cried on air during Sandy Hook. She’s a fucking ideological idiot most of the time. but at least she seems to have a heart.


and like Megyn Kelly, she can move on and live happily ever after.

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After this one, but blowing apart 20 elementary school kids didn’t do it for her? She’s vile.


Oh, honey, you’re a blonde on Fox News. Nobody there is listening.


Thanks for your support? I guess? She’s really not someone I usually want arguing for my side.

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“That’s fine. That’s what makes America great,” Carlson said.

Wait, America’s great? I have heard otherwise from some orangey apparition.


Well now…Which sign of the Apocalypse is this? :scream:

Oh Gretchen…If that wasn’t pre-approved, there will be hell to pay!


Roger Ailes and Bill Shine are the decision-makers in these matters, not Murdoch. He is awful, but the other two much more so, editorially.

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That is why I am disappointed at the Obama administration, convention chair Paul Ryan and also Wayne Lapierre and the NRA leadership. They are not allowing conservatives to open carry at the Republican convention. This decision to ban weapons at the Republican National Convention is the alarming first step on the way to destroying the Second Amendment.

I am sure that Donald Tramp, who is a strong supporter of Amendment Two, would allow open carry at the convention.

Gretchen Carlson:

Yes, I’m in favor of people being able to carry. I think some of these mass shootings would have been less deadly if that were the case.

If only those six year olds in Newtown had been armed, it all could have been prevented.


this is theater.

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