Discussion: Fox's Brit Hume Calls Out Cruz For Sparing Trump, But Attacking McConnell

Ut-oh, they don’t like it when the young they’ve created start eating the elders…

Pass the popcorn, please.

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Hey, Brit Hume, Pssstt,

Mitch McConnell lied, Donald Trump didn’t.

By the way - when you support Mitch McConnell over Donald Trump, you’re helping Donald Trump make his case about not being a career politician from Washington.

That’s why Trump remains in the polling lead - the 'republican base doesn’t want career politicians like Bush or Cruz.

You know the republican base, the one John McCain called crazy.

“The first thing you need to know about Ted Cruz’s assault on Mitch McConnell is that it’s not really about Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell — it’s about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump,”

bzzzzt - wrong. Cruz has been pyromaniac in the fireworks factory before he ever announced he was running for President (with the caveat that he’s possibly been running for President his whole life.) Nobody was talking about Trump when Cruz forced a government shutdown or when he tried to take over as Speaker of the House.

Man, the choice of who to side with in this cat fight is a toughie. Faux has no moral high ground at all and never will, McConnell deserves no sympathy and he’s unserious with the Obamacare and the imp/exp bank BS anyways, then there is Mr. Look at Me, Cruz, that accomplishes zero unless you include the damage that he does.

In the immortal words of the Trump, they are all losers.

I think we’re way past any point where the Republican party is interested in generating ideas or thoughts on actual policy. I know they still hate gays and independent-minded women, so they’ve still got some ideas on how to ruin those people’s lives, but all-in-all we’ve finally reached a point where the GOP is just a parody of itself. You know it’s bad when Jeb! is the only shot you have at the White House.