Discussion: Fox Terror Expert Who Said UK Cities Were Muslim-Only Speaking At AIPAC

Discussion for article #233876

The e-idiocy field is wide open and trending.


Idiots and liars are the Fox News specialty. They’re not a bug but a feature of their programming.


So many idiots and not enough walls.


I think Faux News should drop the “Fair and Balanced” and replace it with:

“Complete Idiots: Us and Our Viewers”

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It’s fucking romper room story time with these people. The proliferation of “experts” on “Islamists and Muslim extremism” after 9/11 is nothing short of people recognizing that there was millions and millions of dollars to be made off peoples’ fear and ignorance and the careful art of cultivating and confirming said fear and ignorance. People like Emerson are nothing but snake oil salesmen in the truest sense of the concept.


Headline writer: You make it sound like the UK Prime Minister was speaking at AIPAC.


Dangling participles are an ugly thing:

“I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I’ll never know.” – G. Marx


If the guy is too toxic for Fox to book in the future, one has to question AIPAC’s judgment.


Like the penguin, the idiot feels at home surrounded by his fellow idiots. Frequently they can be found gathered together in front of a television set watching Fox News or attending rallies dressed in tri-corner hats and colorful garb, their Hoverrounds providing a comforting sound to their fellow idiots.

Yes. AIPAC doesn’t help its cause by giving a platform to people like this.

Hey, Josh.
Assuming your team is running spell check (Boenher, see http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/jon-stewart-boehner-dhs-kissy-face), finding a correctly spelled word doesn’t mean it is the correct word: (The channel said they would fight the suite, see above).
Sorry. The reporting on this Clinton email business has put me in a mood.

I really like the word “grifter” to describe them. It has such a descriptive sound for the type of people they are.


AIPAC another willing giver to the “wing-nut welfare” grifters in the crazy conservative circle jerk

Actually, it appears AIPAC doesn’t seem to be interested in helping its cause. WaPo has a piece on yesterday’s AIPAC appearances featuring a nice compare-contrast between Samantha Powers’ and Benjamin Netanyahu’s respective receptions. A representative sample:

AIPAC delegates had to be warned to be nice to Power. A slide flashed on the wall featured Casper the Friendly Ghost and the message: “Don’t boo! Be Friendly.” Just before Power took the stage, the announcer admonished attendees to “be sure to treat all of our speakers and fellow delegates as guests in our home.”

Here’s the link to the whole thing, if you want to be depressed:

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He needed to spend more time with his wallet.

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The unexpected ‘medical problem’…

Terminal HIH (HeadInHindquarters).


The term you’re looking for is “rectal-cranial inversion”. I’d put in a gratuitous link but all the RCI sites are, well, half-assed.


Too idiotic for Fox? The station that pays “Dr.” Keith Ablow, “Kennedy,” Elizabeth Hasselback and Kevin Douchey to make noises with their mouths? The station that employs Sean Hannity?

If Fox starts firing people for being idiots, all it will have left is the pure, unadulterated evil.


being a complete idiot ?? I think this guy and the vast majority of guest who spew on clusterfaux ooze have quite a few peices missin…from between their ears