Discussion: Fox Tells NYT: Roger Ailes Is In 'Full Support Of Bill O'Reilly'

And there’s the difference between Fox “news” and NBC News and all other serious news organizations.

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Well,it’ settled, Bill DOES have pictures of Roger with some sort of farm animal. The only question remaining is, which one?

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They “couldn’t care less about the truth” and “They are in business to injure."

Bill said it best, only he was talking about liberal websites

Even though we are well into Gilded Age II, This kind of callous disregard of the truth is not new There’s an interesting little blurb on the PBS website about Yellow Journalism in the 1890’s [Gilded Age I].

Yellow journals like the New York Journal and the New York World
relied on sensationalist headlines to sell newspapers. William
Randolph Hearst understood that a war with Cuba would not only sell his
papers, but also move him into a position of national prominence. From
Cuba, Hearst’s star reporters wrote stories designed to tug at the
heartstrings of Americans. Horrific tales described the situation in
Cuba–female prisoners, executions, valiant rebels fighting, and
starving women and children figured in many of the stories that filled
the newspapers. But it was the sinking of the battleship Maine
in Havana Harbor that gave Hearst his big story–war. After the sinking
of the Maine, the Hearst newspapers, with no evidence, unequivocally
blamed the Spanish, and soon U.S. public opinion demanded intervention.

Today, historians point to the Spanish-American War as the first press-driven war. Although it may be an exaggeration to claim that Hearst and the
other yellow journalists started the war, it is fair to say that the
press fueled the public’s passion for war. Without sensational
headlines and stories about Cuban affairs, the mood for Cuban
intervention may have been very different. At the dawn of the twentieth
century, the United States emerged as a world power, and the U.S. press
proved its influence.


So, plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. Currently, we at least have almost instantaneous access to information about events, which allows people who know where to look to ferret out the facts. On the other hand, lots of people are too lazy to do this and the lies tend to stick, especially when confirmation bias is a factor. What’s scary, when I think about it though, is the enormously greater damage the promulgation of lies and bullshit can accomplish today. In 1891, the world was on the verge of seeing seeing the first dreadnaught battleships [1905]. Today we have nuclear missiles. Weaponized anthrax, and god knows what else we’re not being told about.


Honestly, Roger Ailes has more to answer for over the years than Bill-o the Clown…but that’ll never happen either. I can hardly wait till that fat fuck grasps his chest from a major coronary and (fill in the blank). That asshole has done more harm by warping our politics and trying to completely destroy the public commons in this country than most people I can think of.

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No, actually there isn’t “only one reason you do that” and you clearly DON’T know what it was, or you would not make such a blanket statement.

There were lots of us in the Vietnam era who chose draft resistance, and many more who chose other forms of “draft dodging”, as an effective statement of civil disobedience against another of our country’s illegal, immoral and deceitful wars. All “draft dodgers” were not created equal, but at the time, it was enough that there was that much less cannon fodder for the government to use for their bankrupt foreign policy.

I’m pretty sure that for Billo, as with Dick Cheney, the descriptor of “chicken hawk” is more accurate and meaningful than lumping him in with many others for whom the act of refusing or avoiding the draft in the Vietnam era was a principled action.

Remember “Tiller the baby killer” who was soon murdered? That’s on Bill’s head too.


There is a vast difference between maintaining the integrity of a journalistic/news organization (NBC) and maintaining the ‘standards’ of the PR wing of the Republican party (Fox). The actions taken show that difference.

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It’s going to be interesting to see which media watchdogs continue to make hay of Brian Williams’ problems while dropping the Bill O’Reilly thing.

Actually it’s about ethics in journalism.


Don’t cry for Bill, Argentina.


Don’t cows give milk?

Didn’t he start the incitement before ISIS existed?

Those who chose not to go to Vietnam yet, today, urge armed U.S. intervention everywhere and anywhere are the real evil bastards. Cheney saying he “had other priorities” than to expose his cowardly ass to enemy fire is the prime example of this abject hypocrisy. They have no problem sending other people’s sons and daughters to risk their lives for whatever glorious goal they deem important, yet were fearful of exposing themselves to danger when they had the opportunity.

Ted Nugent is another of these reprehensible cowards. He wrote of defecating and urinating in his pants to gain a draft rejection, yet now he’s the “bravest of them all” when shooting animals that can’t fight back. Those of his ilk are the true cowardly scum. They’re courageous when fighting with other people’s lives.

O’Reilly pretending he’s a hero, when nothing could be further from the truth is sickening.


Fox News is nailed. It’s a third rate news organization with no integrity but a fairly competent propaganda outlet for right wing conservatives. At the end of the day, the politicians that Fox News promotes and supports are incapable of governing, particularly when it comes to national and international issues.

And of course, not that it’s news for most of us, Bill O’Reilly is unreliable as a source of news.

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Ailes is the ringmaster of all of the bullshit circus factoids that pulses through the Faux onslaught on America’s mental health.Would love to sit in on a production meeting to hear the words…“this is what you will be repeating ad nauseum today.”

No integrity, from the top to the bottom.

And Nicolle Wallace of The View…I swear this Republican dame’s only claim to fame is that she’s q Republican, she has no talent, doesn’t know when to SHUT-UP…She’s getting as annoying as the other Republican from The View. Please would someone please fire her, she is totally out of place, she has no talent. Her only claim to fame is that she’s a Republican…it’s so annoying. The last persob we want to hear from is a women who thinks George W. Bush was anything but a terrible President and a Republican whose going to tell me about what’s what in Washington. Spare us the pain of her stupidity…PLEASE.

You flatter them unnecessarily.

Fox is tenth-rate, at best.

So a man who lies for a living is giving his full support. So? He lies for a living. I would not trust him for anything. If he says one thing I will believe the opposite.

Spin. Spin. Spin.

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