Discussion for article #233570
Is there anyone who’s honestly surprised by this? The only thing that would hurt O’Reilly is if his audience left [they won’t] or his advertisers left [they won’t, either]. Ailes isn’t suddenly going to find journalist Jesus and actually give a damn about the integrity of the people he puts on air.
Oh yeah, totally didn’t see that coming.
Ailes has built FOX News on lies, slander and innuendo…the reality is that, compared to what passes as “news” on FOX News, what O’Reilly did was piddling and not even worth mentioning.
In this case its all about the Benjamins, as long as Reilly brings the viewers in, Ailes will support him. Of course, given Ailes high moral standing, if a syphilitic wad of diseased protoplasm brought in money, Ailes would support it too.
Faux Noise is as credible and upstanding as Bill O’Reilly, a desecrated veteran of Boston’s Combat Zone.
Agreed. I’m much, much more concerned about the borderline incitement of violence against muslims o’reilly has been trafficking in since the ISIS flare up in Libya.
Of course he supports him, he’s FOX news biggest cash cow.
Cokes are owed!
Well, of course he is. A man that runs a “news” network that lies everyday is going to supporter one of it’s liar.
And not just that…but sedition against the government, incitement to violence against liberals, minorities, abortion providers, women…
Basically, FOX News is a cesspit of lies and yellow journalism.
When have facts, truth, or reality ever mattered to Ailes?
As soon as this story broke, I think we all knew that nothing bad would come of it for Bill. The ability to lie without concern or remorse is an important job qualification for working at Fox News. As is the willingness to hurl nasty vitriolic insults at liberals. He has only improved his credibility with Fox News as exactly the kind of guy they want.
“Roger Ailes and all senior management are in full support of Bill O’Reilly”
Duh. IOKIYAR. Ailes pays people to lie every day, all day…of course he couldn’t give a shit. Williams got thrown under the bus by his own network because that network is foolishly concerned about truthiness. Ailes and the network he runs shit thick globules of mendacity as a matter of course and then dare everyone to do something about it…all while his slavering audience spoons those shitballs into their brains like daily affirmations. Nobody will call them on it and he and Bill-O will get away with it because something something profitable bottom line. The ad agencies and giant corporations that use Faux News as a launchpad to reach its target audience…which is larger than the other networks…want nothing more than for Faux to continue doing what it does to attract those potential consumers to the advertising stream and the truth be damned as an inconvenient, disposable option due to it being less profitable.
Of course he is. He has to be. But no one’s come forward “questioning” Bill O’s combat experience. They have come forward saying hasn’t any and is lying about it. What’s most frustrating about this shit is O’Reilly is actually a draft dodger and used those exemptions to avoid service in Vietnam. There is only one reason you do that and we know what it is. We also know that cowards are the ones that co-opt military heroism.
This isn’t a first time for Bill. He lied his way though the sex harassment thing as well. And Ailes was right with him then too. And he’ll pull it off.
Thanks, Rog! Keep this story high in the news! Flaunt how despicable Faux News is. I’ll bet your other news people just love it!
Well, Jesus jumpin’ Jehosophat, look at the entire network of congential liars he supports. Ailes supports those that do his bidding, full stop.
Well, of course Ailes supports Joseph Goebbels, um, er, I mean Bill O’Reilly. It’s self-evident.
Of course he is. Always defend your fellow nut-ball no matter how wrong, how vile, or how fucked up they may be. And blame it all on “liberals” being on a witch-hunt and full of hate.
Nothing new under the sun.
Billo is safe. No one expects to get the truth on Faux Nooz.