Discussion for article #225293
Chris the Whore once more tries to find something / ANYTHING to embarrass the Obama administration. Fails spectacularly.
Kerry is proving, over and over again, that he knows how to hold his tongue as Secretary of State in ways he didn’t always when he was Senator or Presidential candidate.
He’s doing a great job.
Chris Wallace piles too many questions into too little time to respond.
The Obama administration never cease to embarrass itself. Leading from behind my foot!
So Kerry is pissed that Israel is going too far when they shell kids playing soccer on the beach. So what? So is everybody else.
THIS is what Wallace wants to talk about? NOTHING on the Ukraine? I guess Rupert must have yanked the choke chain on his anchors: Witness Meghan pulling out that unbelievably stupid comment about how we can’t stop abortion protesters from “sidewalk counseling” because people will start murdering doctors who perform abortions “and we don’t want to go back to those days, do we?”
The GOP would only lead us into more imperialist buffoonery.
They haven’t gotten us into any wars on false pretenses yet, and that’s not a bug, that’s a feature – kind of like the brainlessness that comes with most of your posts.
Or as Grampy Insane would put it: “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb (Insert country we don’t like here)…”
Trying to be his daddy, and failing miserably.
oh dear…
You’re questioning John Kerry’s intellect?
that’s so frickin’ funny!
As usual, we’re officially required to ignore Israel’s savagery in dropping bombs on one of the most densely populated places on earth.
As WH Auden said:
What huge imago made
A psychopathic god:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
So that’s a “feature”, not getting us into any wars on “false pretenses”? Isn’t that special.
Of course Obama has kept us in those wars of “false pretenses” for almost 6 years now and has actually more than doubled the casualty of Americans, Iraqis, and Afghans as compared to the casualties rates of the wars started by Bush & Friends.
But that’s OK … 'cause Obama.
When did you change your name to “The Obama Administration?”
Tacky, disgusting, classless and gross.
But clearly it’s the best thing he could come up with to agree with his BFF Darcy/ClarenceVine - the same Darcy that threw a fit a couple of weeks ago and declared he’d not return to this forum until the Fall. I guess Fall came early, like in the Summer.
Chris always has the empty-headed look and fatuous questions and statements that go with that aspect.
Dumb as a fence post, but through dumb luck has a job that pays big big bucks.
He’s a journalist as much as I’m a brain surgeon.
The thing is, he cannot claim any of the above:
- He can’t complain that Congress does nothing and then claim job gains
- He can’t complain that Congress does nothing and then claim market growth
- He can’t claim to have ended wars when the ending of the Iraq war was stipulated before he even took office.
- He can’t complain that Congress does nothing and then claim rising house sales.
- He can’t claim to have killed Bin Laden when that was the result of policies set in motion by the Bush administration. Too easy pull the trigger when others have done all the work and are even holding the gun for you.
But thanks for playing!!!
just as funny is to question Kerry’s intellect compared to a roster of conservative politicians - Rick Santorum, Louie Gohmert, Daryl Issa, Rick Perry, etc - now there’s a smart bunch!! (not)