Discussion: Fox Pundit: Sorry Obama, America Is Definitely, Absolutely Not Racist

Discussion for article #238062

Fox News is single handily keeping the dumb blonde meme alive.


If they were really “Fair and Balance” they’d have done this with the burning churches in the background.


Check her roots


Snippets from her Wiki bio:

“Katie Pavlich (born July 10, 1988)[2][3] is an American conservative journalist, primarily known for her work at the online news magazine Townhall.com”

Self-described as a Daughter of the American Revolution,

A member of the DAR whose only notable work history is with Clown Hall


And then Kirsten Powers asked her, “How many black friends do you have?”


Says the white woman…sorry, luv, but racism is very much alive. But, of course, you know…actively supporting terrorists is so crass that FOX News has to do everything they can to make sure everyone knows it isn’t their fault.


“And despite what Obama says, racism is not passed along in DNA through the generations,”

Unfortunately it seems the tendency to argue with straw men is hereditary.

Edit to add:

Katie Pavlich is friends with Ted Nugent, I wonder if she thinks of his “subhuman mongrel” comment? Or how would she explain the racial disparity in the prison population?


Hey, she’s hot, so she must be right.


"Institutional racism is no longer prevalent in the ways the left claims. "

Well, TPM, let’s see the talking points memo: give us a comprehensive list of the court cases/decisions, legislative actions and rhetoric over the past, say, 5 years, which all prove this vapid propagandist’s position completely wrong.

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “Nuh uh…cuz I said so.”


Kinda reminds me of the Python’s “No Cannibalism in the British Navy Sketch”:

…and may I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no cannibalism in the British Navy. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit, but all new ratings [seamen] are warned that if they wake up in the morning and find any toothmarks at all anywhere on their bodies, they’re to tell me immediately so that I can immediately take every measure to hush the whole thing up. And, finally, necrophilia is right out.


Post_RaciALIStic AMeriCA libtARDS. Get OVER it.The ONLY raCISts are LIbtards WHo KEEP PoinTIng RACIsm fingERS at AmericA. But do YOU KNOW what? When YOU POint YOur fiNGER there ARE thREE of YOUR other fiNGErs POINting BAck at YOU. ALso YOur THUMB is POInting at JEsus. Losers!!!1!1!!!one!1!!!1!1


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
-Joseph Goebbels

Pay attention, Faux: The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

Racism is inherently not amenable to the Big Lie, because its entire goal is state sponsored and sanctioned discrimination that produces economically, politically and even militarily disparate impact. Those consequences cannot be hidden, only willfully ignored.



“America had the dignity to end slavery through a civil war…” Truly one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a long time.


“And despite what Obama says, racism is not passed along in DNA through the generations,”

First, since that isn’t what the President said, your dumb-fuck strawman is up in smoke.

Second, racism is by and large taught through vectors of communication, from the media, social networks (online and off) and through “conservative” outfits and organizations. Of which you draw a paycheck from.

So as the clichéd phrase goes, physician heal thyself.


yes, if you ignore six and a half years (so far) of tea party ranting about Obama, Dylann Roof, the multiple burnings of historically black churches since the AME massacre, and the continuous defense of the use of the Stars and Bars, America totally has no problems with racism so shut up liebuhruhls.


“And despite what Obama says, racism is not passed along in DNA through the generations,”

You’re so right. As Oscar Hammerstein II wrote, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught”.


'The likes of Oprah Winfrey and Beyoncé are business and pop culture icons.¨

Golly, when you look at it that way, the Charleston AME massacre and all the police executions of black men don’t seem so bad!


Haters got to lie!

Charlie Cook wrote a great article about the gop/bags. I don’t agree with the cook report often, since he does skew to the right (remember mittens was going to win, according to the cook report). But, yesterday’s article was, absolutely correct!

Per Charlie, "the gop/bag,old white racist party (OK, I wrote that part), is driving so fast for the cliff, yet don’t know it since they are looking in the rearview mirror.


Thing is opportunity or upward mobility is not equal in the US so the whole GOP there is no racism house of cards falls. Also notice how the GOP is using the racism narrative to silence the gun narrative?